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Jianli Pan
Ph.D., Associate Professor College of Engineering and Computing
Address: 437 Research Hall, Mail Stop 5B5, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703)-993-7285
Research Profile: Google Scholar Profile |
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Major Research Results by Topics:
Data-driven and intelligent Edge-IoT management: [IOTJ-22, TNSM-21, TMC-21, COMMAG-21, TNSE-20a]
Data-driven and blockchain-converged Edge-IoT systems: [IOTJ-21a, IOTJ-19b, PAT-21a, PAT-18a, PAT-18b, NSA-Poster]
Edge-IoT systems, architectures, and security: [CCNC-22, PAT-21b, IOTJ-21, ICCCN-21, IOTJ-21a, SEC-17, ICT-16, IOTJ-15, IOTJ-18a, CODASPY-18, ARXIV-18b, CSUR-18, WIMOB-17, CCNC-15]
IoT for mobile, health, and other applications: [MobiHealth-21, NIDC-21, VTC2020, ACCESS-19, INFO-19, MASS-18, SENSYS-18]
IoT and smart energy: [IOTJ-15, IEEES&T-14, ENERGYTECH-13, WCST-13, ENERGYTECH-12, ACCESS-16]
Future Internet Architecture, routing, mobility and multihoming: [JSAC-10, COMMAG-11, COMNET-11, COMCOM-11,GLOBECOM-12, SYSTEM-13, ICC-10, GLOBECOM-10, GLOBECOM-09, ICC-09, GLOBECOM-08, BCS-08, IJCNDS-12, IJIPT-10, CCNC-10, ICCAE-10]
Cloud and multi-cloud application delivery: [COMNET-14, ICCCN-13, CCV-10]
(Note: Please feel free to click the titles to download the papers!)
• Ismail Alqerm and Jianli Pan, “I-HARF: Intelligent and Hierarchical Framework for Adaptive Resource Facilitation in Edge-IoT Systems,” to appear at IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), February 2022. Impact Factor: 9.52.
• Ismail Alqerm and Jianli Pan, “DeepEdge: A New QoE-based Resource Allocation Framework Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Future Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Applications,” to appear at IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), October 2021. Impact Factor: 6.43.
• Jianyu Wang and Jianli Pan, “MBM-IoT: Intelligent Multi-Baseline Modeling of Heterogeneous Device Behaviors against IoT Botnet,” accepted as a poster paper by IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2022.
• Haoran Xu, Zhicheng Yang, Jianli Pan, et al, “Physio6: A Sensor-Based Monitoring System for 6-Minute Walking Test in the Era of COVID-19,” 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IEEE NIDC 2021), Beijing, China, September 21-23, 2021.
• Zhicheng Yang, Jianli Pan, et al, “A Health Status Evaluation Method for Chronic Disease Patients Based on Multivariate State Estimation Technique Using Wearable Physiological Signals: A Preliminary Study,” 10th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (EAI MobiHealth 2021), Chongqing, China, November 13-14, 2021.
• Jianyu Wang, Jianli Pan, Ismail Alqerm, and Yuanni Liu, “Def-IDS: A Robust Defense Mechanism against Adversarial Examples for Deep Learning-based Network Intrusion Detection,” accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2021), Athens, Greece, July 2021.
• Jianli Pan and Jianyu Wang, “Method and System for Intelligent, Scalable, and Plug and Play Monitoring and Detection of Misbehavior and Botnets for Heterogeneous IoT Devices,” U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 64/174,864 filed in April 2021.
• Ismail Alqerm, Jianyu Wang, Jianli Pan, and Yuanni Liu, “BEHAVE: Behavior-Aware, Intelligent and Fair Resource Management for Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Systems,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), March 2021. Impact Factor: 5.12.
• Yuanni Liu, Man Xiao, Shanzhi Chen, Fan Bai, Jianli Pan, Di Zhang, “An Intelligent Edge-Chain Enabled Access Control Mechanism for IoV,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), Vol: 8, Issue: 15, pp 12231-12241, August 2021. Impact Factor: 9.52.
• Jianli Pan and Jianyu Wang, “Method and System for Secure Resource Management Utilizing Blockchain and Smart Contracts,” officially issued as U.S. Patent No. 10,924,36, February 16, 2021.
• Jianli Pan, Jianyu Wang, Ismail Alqerm, et.al, “ORCA: Enabling an Owner-centric and Data-driven Management Paradigm for Future Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Systems,” accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine, December 2020. Impact Factor: 10.36.
• Jianli Pan and Jianyu Wang, “Method and system for secure resource management utilizing blockchain and smart contracts,” U.S. Non-provisional Patent Serial No.16/383,291, received notice of allowance (NOR) in October 2020.
• Ismail Alqerm and Jianli Pan, “Enhanced Online Q-Learning Scheme for Resource Allocation with Maximum Utility and Fairness in Edge- IoT Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), Vol: 7, Issue: 4, pp 3074-3086, December 2020. Impact Factor: 5.22.
• Yuanni Liu, Man Xiao, Jianli Pan, et al, "An Access Control Mechanism Based on Risk Prediction for the IoV," IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2020), May 25-28, Antwerp, Belgium, 2020.
• Jianli Pan, Jianyu Wang, Ismail Alqerm, et al., "EdgeChain: An Edge-IoT Framework and Prototype Based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts," IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), Special issue on "The Convergence of Blockchain and IoT: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions", Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp 4719-4732, June 2019. Impact Factor: 9.52.
• Jianyu Wang, Jianli Pan, Flavio Esposito, Prasad Calyan, Zhicheng Yang, and Prasant Mohapatra, "Edge Cloud Offloading Algorithms: Issues, Methods, and Perspectives," ACM Computing Surveys, Vol: 52, Issue: 1, pp 1-23, February 2019. Impact Factor: 6.14.
• Jianli Pan and Jianyu Wang, “Method and system for secure resource management utilizing blockchain and smart contracts,” U.S. Non-provisional Patent Serial No.16/383,291, filed on April 12, 2019.
• Yuanni Liu, Xiaodan Xu, Jianli Pan, et.al, “A Truthful Auction Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing with Budget Constraint,” IEEE Access, page (s): 1-15, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2902882, March 2019. Impact Factor: 3.37.
• Yuezhou Zhang, Zhicheng Yang, Jianli Pan, et al., “Sleep Stage Classification Using Bidirectional LSTM in Wearable Multi-sensor Systems,” IEEE INFOCOM 2019, The First International Workshop on Resilient and Secure IoT for Health (IoT4Health), April 29 – May 2, 2019, Paris, France.
• Jianyu Wang, Austin Hester, Jianli Pan, Yuanni Liu, "Creditcoin: Secure Resource Management Using Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Edge-IoT System," 2018 National Security Agency (NSA) NCCP CyberEd Workshop, poster, April, 2018.
• Jianli Pan, Jianyu Wang, Austin Hester, et al., "Edge-IoT Framework Based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts and Associated Method of Use," U.S. Provisional Patent Serial No. 62/681,936, filed June 07, 2018.
• Jianyu Wang, Austin Hester, and Jianli Pan, "Method and System for Secure Resource Management of IoT Utilizing Blockchain and Smart Contracts," U.S. Provisional Patent Serial No. 62/657,387, filed: April 13, 2018.
• Jianli Pan and James McElhannon, "Future Edge Cloud and Edge Computing for Internet of Things Applications," IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), Special Issue on Fog Computing in IoT, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, pp:439-449, ISSN: 2327-4662, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2767608, February 2018. Impact Factor: 9.52.
• Jianli Pan and Zhicheng Yang, "Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities in the New "Edge Computing + IoT" World," in the Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2018), workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization (SDN-NFV Sec’18), March 21st, 2018, Tempe, AZ, USA.
• Yuanni Liu, Jianli Pan, Guofeng Zhao, "A Novel Architecture for Radio Environment Map Construction Based on Mobile Crowd Sensing," the IEEE COMSOC Multimedia Technical Committee (MMTC) E-Letters, Special issue on “Real-Time Multimedia Systems”, October 2018.
• Yuezhou Zhang, Zhicheng Yang, Jianli Pan, et al, "Breathing Disorder Detection Using Wearable Electrocardiogram and Oxygen Saturation," ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM Sensys 2018) poster, Nov. 4-7, 2018, Shenzhen, China.
• Zhicheng Yang, Parth Pathak, Jianli Pan, Prasant Mohapatra, et al, "Sense and Deploy: Blockage-aware Deployment of Reliable 60 GHz mmWave WLANs,"15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2018), October 9-12, 2018.
• Jianli Pan, Yuanni Liu, Jianyu Wang, Austin Hester, "Key Enabling Technologies for Secure and Scalable Future Fog-IoT Architecture: A Survey," arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06188 (2018).
• Jianyu Wang, Jianli Pan and Flavio Esposito, "Elastic Urban Video Surveillance System Using Edge Computing," in the Proceedings of Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2017), workshop on Smart Internet of Things 2017 (SmartIoT 2017), San Jose, CA, October 14, 2017.
• Flavio Esposito, Andrej Cvetkovski, Tooska Dargahi and Jianli Pan, “Complete Edge Function Onloading for Effective Backend-driven Cyber Foraging”, in the Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2017), Rome, Italy, Oct. 2017.
• Jianli Pan, Lin Ma, Ravishankar Ravindran, Peyman TalebiFard, “HomeCloud: A Edge Cloud Framework and Testbed for New Application Delivery,” in the Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2016), Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-18 May 2016.
• Mugen Peng, Tao Huang, Y. Richard Yu, and Jianli Pan, "IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Recent Advances in Software Defined Networking for 5G Networks," IEEE Access, Vol:3, Page 3076-3078, January 2016. Impact Factor: 3.37.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, et al., "An Internet of Things Framework for Smart Energy in Buildings: Designs, Prototype, and Experiments," IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), 2015, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2015.2413397. Research highlighted by IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight. (2016/07). Impact Factor: 9.52.
• Peyman TalebiFard, Ravi Ravindran, Asit Chakraborti, Jianli Pan, et al, “An Information Centric Networking Approach Towards Contextualized Edge Service,” in the Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 12th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2015), Las Vegas, NV, January 9-12, 2015.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, "A Survey of Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Microgrids using Networking Technologies," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Special issue on Energy and Smart Grid, Vol.16, Issue 3, pp 1709-1731, 2014. Impact Factor: 23.
• Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, Jianli Pan , et al, "Application Delivery in Cloud and Multi-Cloud Environments using Software Defined Networking," Computer Networks (Elsevier), 2014. Impact Factor: 3.1.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, "Enhanced Evaluation of the Inter-domain Routing System for Balanced Routing Scalability and New Internet Architecture Deployment," IEEE Systems Journal, September, 2013. Impact Factor: 4.47.
• Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, Jianli Pan, et al, "OpenADN: A Case for Open Application Delivery Networking," in the Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN 2013, Nassau, Bahamas, July 30-August 2, 2013.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Pratim Biswas, et al., "Toward an Energy-Proportional Building Prospect: Evaluation and Analysis of the Energy Consumption in a Green Building Testbed," in the Proceedings of IEEE Energytech 2013, Cleveland, OH, May 21-23, 2013.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, "Nine Lessons Learned From a Green Building Testbed: a Networking and Energy Efficiency Perspective," in Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (IEEE WCST 2013), December 9-12, 2013, London, UK .
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, "A Novel Incremental-Deployable Multi-granularity Multihoming Framework for the Future Internet," in the Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM) 2012, Anaheim, CA, December 3-7, 2012.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Pratim Biswas, et al., "A Framework for Smart Location-Based Automated Energy Controls in a Green Building Testbed," in the Proceedings of IEEE EnergyTech 2012, Cleveland, OH, May 29-31, 2012.
• Chakchai So-In, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, Jianli Pan, "Future Wireless Networks: Key Issues and a Survey (ID/Locator Split Perspective)," International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS), January 2012, Vol.8, No. 1/2, pp. 24-52.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, "A Survey of Research on Future Internet Architectures," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 49, No. 7, July 2011, pp. 26-36. Impact Factor: 10.36.
• Chakchai So-In, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, and Jianli Pan, "Virtualization Architecture using the ID/Locator Split Concept for Future Wireless Networks (FWNs)," Computer Networks (Elsevier), Special Issue on Wireless for the Future Internet, Vol. 55, Issue 2, pp. 415-430, February 2011. Impact Factor: 3.1.
• Subharthi Paul, Jianli Pan, and Raj Jain, "Architectures for the Future Networks and the Next Generation Internet: A Survey," Computer Communications, UK, Volume 34, Issue 1, Pages 2-42, 15 January 2011. Impact Factor: 2.77.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, and Chakchai So-In, "MILSA: A New Evolutionary Architecture for Scalability, Mobility, and Multihoming in the Future Internet," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special issue on Routing Scalability, Vol. 28, Issue 8, pp 1344-1362, October 2010. Impact Factor: 9.31.
• Chakchai So-In, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul and Jianli Pan, "Virtual ID: ID/Locator Split in a Mobile IP Environment for Mobility, Multihoming and Location Privacy for the Next Generation Wireless Networks," International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT), 2010 - Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 142-153.
• Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, Jianli Pan , "A Future Internet Architecture Based on De-conflated Identities," in the Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2010, Miami, FL, December 6-10, 2010.
• Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, Jianli Pan, "Multi-Tier Diversified Architecture for the Next Generation Internet," in the Proceedings of International Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization (CCV) 2010, Singapore, May 17-18, 2010.
• Chakchai So-In, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, and Jianli Pan, "Virtual ID: A Technique for Mobility, Multi-Homing, and Location Privacy in Next Generation Wireless Networks," in the Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile IPv6 and Network-based Localized Mobility Management (MobiWorld), IEEE CCNC 2010, January 2010.
• Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, and Jianli Pan, "An Identifier/Locator Split Architecture for Exploring Path Diversity through Site Multi-homing - A Hybrid Host-Network Cooperative Approach," in the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference in Communications (IEEE ICC) 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May, 2010.
• Chakchai So-In, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, and Jianli Pan, "A Policy Oriented Multi-Interface Selection Framework for Mobile IPv6 Using the ID/Locator Split Concepts in the Next Generation Wireless Networks," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), Singapore, February 26 - 28.
• Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, Jianli Pan, Chakchai So-in, "Multi-Tier Diversified Service Architecture for Internet 3.0: The Next Generation Internet," WUSTL CSE Technical Report No. WUCSE-2010-31, June 23, 2010.
• Jianli Pan, Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, "Hybrid Transition Mechanism for MILSA Architecture for the Next Generation Internet," in the Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, workshop on Future Internet (FutureNet II) 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, 30 November - 4 December 2009.
• Jianli Pan, Raj Jain, Subharthi Paul, Mic Bowman, Xiaohu Xu, Shanzhi Chen, "Enhanced MILSA Architecture for Naming, Addressing, Routing and Security Issues in the Next Generation Internet," in the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC) 2009, Dresden, Germany, 14 June - 18 June 2009.
• Subharthi Paul, Jianli Pan, and Raj Jain, "Architectures for the Future Networks and the Next Generation Internet: A Survey," WUSTL Technical Report, WUCSE-2009-69, October 2, 2009, 59 pp.
• Jianli Pan, Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, Mic Bowman, "MILSA: A Mobility and Multihoming Supporting Identifier Locator Split Architecture for Naming in the Next Generation Internet," in the Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM) 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA, 30 November - 4 December 2008.
• Subharthi Paul, Raj Jain, Jianli Pan, Mic Bowman, "A Vision of the Next Generation Internet: A Policy Oriented Perspective," Proceedings of British Computer Society (BCS) International Conference on Visions of Computer Science, Imperial College, London, September 22-24, 2008.
• Wanjing Wang, Shanzhi Chen, and Jianli Pan, "A new method for multi-homing and multi-interface address selecting based on Mobile IPv6", 2007 International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technology (IC-BNMT), Beijing, China, September, 2007.
• Jianli Pan, Shanzhi Chen, "A Mobile IPv6 firewall traversal scheme integrating with AAA," in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE WiCOM (IEEE WiCOM'06), Wuhan, China, September, 2006.
• Jianli Pan, Yun Hu, Yixian Yang, "Classification and research on the architecture of the Distributed Intrusion Detection System (DDoS)" (in Chinese), in Proceedings of the 1st National Science Foundation Conference on Network and Information Security Research, Beijing, 2003.
• Jianli Pan, Tao Yu, Shanzhi Chen, "Method and apparatus for the firewall traversal problem in Mobile environment”, Patent Docket Number CN200610001438.7, filed in January 2006, authorized in August 2009.
Last update 9/30/2022.