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Jianli Pan
Ph.D., Associate Professor College of Engineering and Computing
Address: 437 Research Hall, Mail Stop 5B5, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703)-993-7285
Research Profile: Google Scholar Profile |
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• Service: I will serve as an associate editor for IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), Impact Factor: 10.24. (2023/01).
• Grant: As a team of three faculty members of IST at GMU, we received a Cybersecurity Research Innovation grant ($500K, 2022-2025) from the National Security Agency (NSA) on advanced metadata traffic analysis techniques for cyber threats detection and mitigation. (2022/08).
• Moving: I will join the Department of Information Science and Technology at the George Mason University this Fall semester. (2022/08)
• Award: I received "Outstanding Research" award of 2022 from the Department of Computer Science, UMSL. (2022/05)
• Award: I am honored to be recognized as an "AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Internet of Things" (awarded to top 11 to 100 researcher worldwide in the field), by Tsinghua University AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Annual List (AMiner.org). (2022/04)
• Recognition: I am honored to be recognized as a top 2% scholar worldwide in Information and Communications Technology of 2020 by the Stanford-Elsevier Worldwide Scholar Research Impact Report. Media report: "UMSL faculty members ranked among the top 2% of scholars worldwide," UMSL Daily. (2022/03)
• Award: I am honored to be recognized as a Distinguished Member of the 2022 IEEE INFOCOM Technical Program Committee (TPC). (2022/02)
• Paper: Our paper on Intelligent and Adaptive Edge-IoT Resorce Facilitation titled "I-HARF: Intelligent and Hierarchical Framework for Adaptive Resource Facilitation in Edge-IoT Systems" has been accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J). Impact Factor: 9.94. (2022/02)
• Paper: Our paper on Intelligent and QoE-based Edge-IoT resource management titled "DeepEdge: A New QoE-based Resource Allocation Framework Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Future Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Applications" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM). Impact Factor: 6.43. (2021/10)
• Grant: As a Co-PI, we teamed up with the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) and received a Cybersecurity Research Innovation grant ($510K, 2021-2024) from the National Security Agency (NSA) on automated and intelligent security of future IoT Edge/Cloud systems. (2021/09). Media report: "Computer scientist Jianli Pan working to make IoT security smarter and automated with new NSA grant," UMSL Daily. (2021/11).
• Award: I am honored to receive 2021 UMSL "Innovator of the Year" award. Media report: "UMSL recognizes six faculty members for outstanding research, innovation over the past year," UMSL Daily. (2021/04)
• Patent: We filed a patent entitled "Method and System for Intelligent, Scalable, and Plug and Play Monitoring and Detection of Misbehavior and Botnets for Heterogeneous IoT Devices," as U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 64/174,864 in April, 2021. (2021/04)
• Service: I will serve as a TPC member for 2022 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2022). (2021/04).
• Recognition: I am honored to be elevated to the senior member grade for both IEEE and ACM. (2021/04)
• Paper: Our paper on enhancing the robustness of AI based network intrusion detection titled "Def-IDS: A Robust Defense Mechanism against Adversarial Examples for Deep Learning-based Network Intrusion Detection" has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2021), April 2021. (2021/04)
• Paper: Our paper on Intelligent and behavior-aware Edge-IoT system management titled "BEHAVE: Behavior-Aware, Intelligent and Fair Resource Management for Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Systems" has been accepted by
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). Impact Factor: 5.12. (2021/03)
• Patent: Our patent entitled "Method and System for Secure Resource Management Utilizing Blockchain and Smart Contracts" has been officially issued as U.S. Patent No. 10,924,36 on February 26, 2021. (2021/02)
• Paper: Our paper on
Intelligent Access Control for Internet of Vehicle (IoV)
titled "An Intelligent Edge-Chain Enabled Access Control Mechanism for IoV" has been accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J). Impact Factor: 9.94. (2021/02)
• Paper: Our paper on novel
owner-centric and data-driven management paradigm for future IoT systems
titled "ORCA: Enabling an Owner-centric and Data-driven Management Paradigm for Future Heterogeneous Edge-IoT Systems" has been accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine. Impact Factor: 11.05. (2020/12)
• Award: I am honored to receive 2020 "Inventor of the Year" award by the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL), (2020/11). Media report: "Jianli Pan receives 'Inventor of the Year' award for patented technology to enhance security of Internet of Things systems," UMSL Daily. (2021/01)
• Patent: We received the notice of allowance (NOR) for our patent on blockchain and smart contract based IoT security entitled "Method and system for secure resource management utilizing blockchain and smart contracts," U.S. Non-provisional Patent Serial No.16/383,291, filed in April 2019. (2020/10)
• Paper: Our paper on advanced Q-learning for resource management of individual Edge-IoT domains titled "Enhanced Online Q-Learning Scheme for Resource Allocation with Maximum Utility and Fairness in Edge- IoT Networks" has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE). Impact Factor: 5.22. (2020/08)
• Paper: Our paper on Internet of Vehicle titled "An Access Control Mechanism Based on Risk Prediction for the IoV," has been accepted by IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2020. (2020/05)
• Grant: The sole PI of a National Science Foundation (NSF) research grant on using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) techniques for edge cloud resource allocation for future IoT applications. Media report: "National Science Foundation awards Jianli Pan $500K to research edge cloud computing,"UMSL Daily. (2019/09)
• Grant: A Co-PI of a University of Missouri System Strategic Plan Research Investment grant of 2.75 millions USD for "Energy Reliability and Resiliency of Electrified Transportation Infrastructure". Media report: "UM System's $20.5M research investment,"UMSL Daily. (2019/08)
• Outreach: A mentor and faculty advisor for 2019 Jennings-UMSL internship program for underepresented high school students from Jennings High School. (2019/07)
• Grant: The PI of an UMSL Research Award for "Permissioned Blockchain for IoT Convergence and Security". (2019/05).
• Patent: "Method and system for secure resource management utilizing blockchain and smart contracts," U.S. Non-provisional Patent Serial No.16/383,291, filed: April 12, 2019. (2019/04)
• Presentation: Presented a poster in the 2018 NSA Cybersecurity Education Workshop (CyberEd 2018) in Miami, FL. (2018/11)
• Paper: Our paper on Edge-IoT systems empowered by blockchain and smart contracts "EdgeChain: An Edge-IoT Framework and Prototype Based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts" has been accepted by by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), Special issue on "The Convergence of Blockchain and IoT: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions". Impact Factor: 9.94. (2018/10)
• Paper: Our paper on edge computing offloading "Edge Cloud Offloading Algorithms: Issues, Methods, and Perspectives" has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). Impact Factor: 7.99. (2018/10)
• Paper: Our paper on mobile crowd sourcing "A Novel Architecture for Radio Environment Map Construction Based on Mobile Crowd Sensing," the IEEE COMSOC Multimedia Technical Committee (MMTC) E-Letters, Special issue on “Real-Time Multimedia Systems”. (2018/10)
• Press: interviewed by St. Louis Post-Dispatch and spoke about a recent cybersecurity incident in St. Louis. Article link: "Woman says she was denied job in Chesterfield because name too 'ghetto'; company says it was hacked". (2018/08)
• Service: A mentor and speaker for 2018 Jennings-UMSL internship program for underepresented high school students from Jennings High School. (2018/07)
• Press: "Jianli Pan receives recognition, funding for work on edge cloud computing, cybersecurity,'' UMSL Daily. (2018/07)
• Patent: "Edge-IoT Framework Based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts and Associated Method of Use,'' U.S. Provisional Patent Serial No. 62/681,936, filed June 07, 2018. (2018/06)
• Award: Honored to receive 2018 "Junior Faculty Investigator of the Year" award from UMSL. (2018/05)
• Award: Received 2018 "Outstanding Research" award from the Dept. of Math and CS, UMSL. (2018/05)
• Presentation: Presented in the 2018 NSA Cybersecurity Education Workshop (CyberEd 2018) in Lake Tahoe, CA. (2018/04)
• Service: Co-chair of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII) workshop on Big Data Analytics for Smart and Secure IoT Systems (BDASSIoT), 2019.
• Service: Symposium co-chair of the Internet Services and Applications Symposium (ISAS) symposium, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2019).
• Patent: "Method and System for Secure Resource Management of IoT Utilizing Blockchain and Smart Contracts,'' U.S. Provisional Patent Serial No 62/657,387, filed: April 13, 2018. (2018/04)
• Presentation: Presented in the 2018 University of Missouri System Cyber Summit in Rolla, MO. (2018/04)
• Presentation&Service: Presented and chaired a session in the 2018 ACM International Workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization (SDN-NFV Sec’18) in Tempe, AZ. (2018/03)
• Paper: Our paper on Edge Computing, IoT, and cybersecurity "Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities in the New "Edge
Computing + IoT" World" is accepted by 2018 ACM International Workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization (SDN-NFV Sec’18). (2018/02)
• Paper: Our paper on Edge Computing and IoT "Future Edge Cloud and Edge Computing for Internet of Things Applications" appeared in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT-J), Special Issue on Fog Computing in IoT. Impact Factor: 9.94. (2018/02)
• Service: Attended the 2017 National Cybersecurity Curriculum Program Workshop (NCCP Workshop 2017). (2017/11)
• Press: “Cybersecurity program obtains $493,000 in NSA-funded grants to elevate curriculum, lab infrastructure,” UMSL Daily. (2017/10)
• Service: TPC Member of INFOCOM 2018 workshop MobiSec 2018.
• Grant: The sole PI of a NASA-EPSCoR Missouri RID grant on resource constrained dynamic provisioning method in a NFV/SDN
edge cloud for IoT applications. (2017/09)
• Paper: Our paper on Edge Computing and IoT "Elastic Urban Video Surveillance System Using Edge Computing" has been accepted by The Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2017), workshop on Smart Internet of Things 2017 (SmartIoT 2017). (2017/09)
• Grant: the sole PI of a National Security Agency (NSA) grant of $199K on securing IoT and edge cloud. (2017/09)
• Paper: Our paper on Edge Computing "Complete Edge Function Onloading for Effective Backend-driven Cyber Foraging" has been accepted by 2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). (2017/08)
• Grant: one of the PIs of a National Security Agency (NSA) grant of $299K on Cybersecurity cloud lab environment. (2017/07)
• Grant: PI of a curriculum development award by UMSL college of Arts&Science. (2017/05)
• Presentation: Gave a seminar talk in the Computer Science department of Saint Louis University (SLU). (2017/04)
• Research highlighted: Our work on Internet of Things and Smart Energy has been highlighted by IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight. “Are Smart Buildings Delivering on Their Promise to Reduce Energy Consumption?” (2016/07)
• IEEE Communications Magazine Associate Editor. (2016/07)
• Paper: Our paper on Edge Computing "HomeCloud: A Edge Cloud Framework and Testbed for New Application Delivery" appears in 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2016). (2016/05)
• Service: TPC Member of IEEE INFOCOM 2017.
• Service: TPC Member of ICC 2017.
• Press: “UMSL region’s first and only NSA, DHS designated ‘Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education’,” UMSL Daily. (2016/05)
• Service: Cybersecurity and Information Technology Innovation Lab (CITIL) lab established.
• Service: IEEE Access Associate Editor.
• Service: TPC Member of IEEE INFOCOM 2016.
• Service: TPC Member of ICC 2016.
• Press: “New Cybersecurity Lab opens as collaboration between IS, computer science,” UMSL Daily. (2015/11)
• Paper: Our IoT paper "An Internet of Things Framework for Smart Energy in Buildings: Designs, Prototype, and Experiments" appears in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Impact Factor: 9.94. (2015/03).
• Grant: PI of an University of Missouri System Research Board (UMRB) Award, 2015.
• Service: Organizer and speaker of STLCyberCon in UMSL since 2015.
• Service: One of the editors of IEEE Access Special issue on Recent Advances in Software Defined Networking for 5G Networks, 2016.
• Service: Publicity co-chair of IEEE HEALTHCOM 2015.
• Service: Session chair of IEEE GLOBECOM 2015.
Last update 9/30/2022.