

Final Presentations

Final Presentation: (May 14, 2003) T/TAC team final presentation to immerison teams, university administration, faculty, TTAC staff members and others.

Fiinal Presentation Outline - A draft illustrating thoughts, ideas and content areas to be included in the final presentation.





T/TAC Section 508 Plan

Section 508 Plan- A draft of the Section 508 Accessibility plan for the Spring 2003



Innovations Awards 2003

Innovations Awards Outline - A draft outlining plans for content areas to be covered at the 2003 Innovations Award.
Section 508, About TTAC, User Centered Design, Pedagogical Reengineering -Innovations Posters
(April 21, 2003) - An outline of the posters that will be laminated and displayed and discussed at the Innovations Award on April 30, 2003.
Innovations Brochure: (April 30, 2003) Designed with similar features of the Innovations Posters, for dissemination at the 2003 Innovations Awards.
Innovations talking Points:(April 30, 2003) An outline of the key words, phases and descriptions that will enhance the verbal presenation of T/TAC Online.






Team Update Spring 2003

  Team Update -(April 16, 2003) The final team update as given by the T/TAC group.


T/TAC Staff Training, Richmond, VA
(March 20th, 2003)

 Dissemination Plan -An Introductory plan detailing the teams' goals for the internal launch of T/TAC Online.
Training Materials - A compilation of content used to input information on the site during training.
T/TAC Teacher Flyer - A flyer to be included in the newsletters distributed by T/TAC to teachers in their region.
T/TAC Teacher Cover - A coversheet for the direction's package distributed to T/TAC staff during training.
T/TAC Online Job Aid -T/TAC Staff document with instruction and pictures for using all sections of T/TAC Online.
Survey Results: A graphical representation of the results of the survey administered following Training.








2003 Staff Usability Testing

Staff Scenarios(February 25, 2003) An overview of the scenarios to staff members for usability tests.
Usability Testing Sheets(February 25, 2003) A summary fo scenarios and guide for completing usability test.
Greetings and Debriefing Script: (February 25, 2003) The greeting and script used for staff usability testing.
Usability Survey Questions:(February 25, 2003) A list of the questions administered to
Doc1, Doc 2,Doc 3 Staff Usability Results (February 25, 2003): Results of the usability test administered to T/TAC Staff Members.






2003 Teacher Usability Testing

Teacher Questions (February 19, 2003)
Usability Survey Results (March 25, 2003) A graphical depiction of the results of the survey administered to teachers' about T/TAC Online.
Teacher Usability Results (February 26, 2003) Results of the usability test administered to teachers.




Team Organization

Priorites-Spring 2003- A plan detailing what the group agrees is priority for Spring 2003
Draft of Team Norms (September 11, 2002): Illustrates some of the thinking behind our final Team Norms
Draft of Team Structure, Roles, and Responsibilities (January 29, 2003): Our first attempt at roles and responsibilities. Shows some of the evolution of the final group structure.
Semester Plan ( February 2003): Overview schedule for the entire semester; also included at the beginning of Performance Analysis Plan (see below).
Email Protocol (September 17, 2002): Email protocol the team has agreed to follow in on-line communication.







Performance Analysis

Needs of TTAC Staff (February 21, 2003) Examines the identified needs of the TTAC Staff and ways that TTAC Online may be able to assist.





Usability Testing

Group Goals (February 1, 2003) Questions to help identify and prioritize TTAC Staff, Teacher and Stakeholder goals.
Teacher Usability Issues and Questions (February 19, 2003) List of questions developed to help think through usability testing of teachers on website.
Evaluation Plan First Draft (February 20, 2003) Specific plan for strategy of usability testing of the semester.






Release Form (February 21, 2003) This is a form to be used by the team for video taped usability testing of individuals.
Targeted Designs for improvement (January 29, 2003) List of tasks and assignments to be done by team.

Coordination Meeting with Brenda (February 5, 2003) List of meeting outcomes. The team came into the meeting with three rough documents: Phase 6 goals, characteristics and needs of community members, and purposes of evaluation.



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Last Updated on April 11, 2003