Immersion Team


Members | Norms | Roles

Our vision is to foster a collaborative environment in which all team members can grow and develop their knowledge and understanding of instructional technology and design.


To maintain and further develop the existing T/TAC online community, which provides user friendly information, training support, and assistance for individuals serving children with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Virginia.




1. Implement an incremental plan to meet prioritized goals for Section 508 compliance.
2. Facilitate the ease of entering and navigating the site.
3. Ensure that webshops are user-friendly, printable and easy to upload.
4. Create a structure to manage content by category.
5. Ensure the site is acessible to users of both major internet browsers.
6. Begin to populate site with Webshops and resources on Assistive Technology.









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Immersion Program
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Last Updated on April 11, 2003