Team Roles


Members | Norms | Roles

Project Manager: Rob Moss
The Project Manager keeps us organized and on schedule with the T/TAC project.
- Standing time on the weekly meeting agenda for project management
- Keep an updated calendar on the Project Site
- Keep an updated task list on the Project Site
- Point of contact within the group and external to group

Team Coordinator: Shawn Miller
The Team Coordinator assists the Project Manager, but has special responsibility to help keep team interactions running smoothly.
- Keep the team focused on team vision and norms
- Secondary point of contact within the team
- Coordinating non-school related activities
- Team mediation, as directed in the Team Norms

Meeting Facilitator: Cindy (1/20-1/27), Lucinda (2/3-2/10), Rob (2/17-2/24), Claudette (3/3-3/17), Shawn (3/24-3/31), Deana (4/7-4/14), Trista (4/28-end)
The Facilitator keeps our weekly team meetings running smoothly. This position rotates on a bi-weekly basis.
- Start meeting on time
- Work with Scribe to plan agenda; email to all 24 hours before meeting
- Keep the meeting on track and on schedule
- Monitor team behavior during the meeting as directed in Team Norms
- Call for formal votes when consensus cannot be reached on decisions

Scribe: Lucinda (1/20-1/27), Rob (2/3-2/10), Claudette (2/17-2/24), Shawn (3/3-3/17), Deana (3/24-3/31), Trista (4/7-4/14), Cindy (4/28-end)
The Scribe keeps track of what happens in weekly team meetings. This position rotates on a bi-weekly basis, with the Scribe of the current rotation becoming the Meeting Facilitator of the next rotation.
- Keep minutes of the weekly team meeting
- Write weekly status report
- Insert minutes and status report into Meeting Log
- Post Meeting Log on the Project Site within 24 hours of weekly meeting
- Record action items/tasks
- Work with Project Manager to ensure all tasks are recorded

Webmasters (3): Shawn Miller, Claudette Allen, Rob Moss
The Project Site exists to help us keep track of our assignments and deadlines and to provide an archive of our work. The Webmasters maintain the Project Site.
- Upload pages and documents to the Project Site
- Keep links on the Project Site up to date
- Keep backups of all Project Site files
- Monitor documents for "web standards"
- Collect brief introductions for Documents Page

1. Implement an incremental plan to meet prioritized goals for Section 508 compliance in preparation for launch.
2. Prepare for and conduct usability testing to identify areas for continued improvement.
3. Establish and conduct formative and summative evaluation of T/TAC Online.
4. Foster relations with T/TAC Regional Staff and other stakeholders by preparing them to add content and to use the site.
5. Revise T/TAC Online based on data from usability testing to prepare for final presentation and launch.

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Last Updated on February 27, 2003