Approved Program of Study
Date Approved: 09/01/2006 (official copy - pdf)

1. General Culture (8)

EDUC 800(3)Ways of KnowingSpring 2005
EDUC 802(3)Leadership SeminarFall 2004
EDUC 805(1)Doctoral Seminar in EducationFall 2004
EDUC 805(1)Doctoral Seminar in EducationSpring 2005

2. Research Methods (15)

EDRS 810(3)Problems and Methods in Educational ResearchFall 2004
EDRS 811(3)Quantitative Methods in Educational ResearchFall 2005
EDRS 812(3)Qualitative Methods in Educational ResearchSpring 2006
EDRS 820(3)Evaluation Methods for Educational Programs and CurriculaFall 2006
EDRS 797*(3)Mixed Research Methods in EducationSpring 2007
* Additional course not in the approved plan of work.

3. Professional Specialization -- Education Leadership (21)

EDIT 704(3)Instructional Technology Foundations and Theories of LearningSpring 2003
EDLE 801(3)Foundations of Education Leadership I: History and LeadershipSummer 2004
EDLE 802(3)Foundations of Education Leadership II: Ethics, Philosophy and Law Summer 2004
EDLE 803(3)Foundations of Education Leadership III: Economics & LeadershipSpring 2005
EDLE 815(3)Conceptual Frameworks in Education LeadershipFall 2005
EDUC 897(3)Independent Study: Curricular Practices - Past and PresentFall 2006
EDUC 994(3)Advanced Internship in EducationFall 2006

4. Minor -- Education Policy (12)

PUBP 768(3)Education and Public Policy: Reform of Educational ReformFall 2003
EDUC 872(3)Social Science Research and Education PolicySpring 2006
EDUC 873(3)Education Policy: Comparative and International PerspectivesFall 2005
EDLE 895(3)Emerging Issues in Administration and SupervisionSpring 2006

5. Dissertation (12)

EDUC 998(3)Doctoral Dissertation ProposalSummer 2007
EDUC 999(9)Doctoral Dissertation ResearchSpring 2009

Other Information:

Comprehensive portfolio assessment completed:05/31/2007
Dissertation proposal defended:11/24/2008
HSRB approval for the planned study secured:12/03/2008

Program Rationale:

  • Develop knowledge of Western educational systems, with particular focus on their history; philosophy; practices including policy-making, governance, law, financing, curriculum, and professional development; challenges; and reform efforts;
  • Investigate institutional climate, and leadership in educational and professional contexts;
  • Develop understanding of linkages between public policy programs and educational initiatives, and their impact on diverse populations;
  • Develop both quantitative and qualitative research as well as program evaluation skills;
  • Apply research skills to study the "Islamic Identity" nurtured in the U.S. K-8 Islamic schools, and the transition experiences of the Muslim adolescents from such schools when they move to secular public high schools;
  • Share research with other professionals and in multiple contexts; and
  • Ultimately, use the gained knowledge and the research skills towards improvement of U.S. Islamic schools in the short-run, and in the longer run, in achieving the goal of social justice through education reform in Pakistan.