Program Information

MajorEducation Leadership
MinorEducation Policy

Doctoral Advisory Committee

ChairpersonDr. Dennis R. Dunklee
Member (major)Dr. Scott C. Bauer
Member (minor)Dr. Penelope M. Earley

Portfolio Timeline

Portfolio Review #110/05/2006
Portfolio Review #210/05/2006
Portfolio Review #305/31/2007

Portfolio Contents [GMU Portfolio Guidelines]

Section 1: Goal Description

  1. Copy of original goal statement (pdf)
  2. Goal statements at the time of portfolio review 2 (10/05/2006)
    1. Written description of academic, research and professional goals – P2 (pdf)
    2. Pictorial representation of interests, experiences and plans – P2 (pdf)
  3. Current goal statements (05/31/2007)
    1. Written description of academic, research and professional goals (pdf)
    2. Pictorial representation of interests, experiences and plans (pdf)

Section 2: Coursework Experiences and Plans

  1. Approved Program of Study
  2. Self-reflective description of previous and current coursework
  3. All transcripts
  4. Explanation of any incomplete grades or grades of C or lower (Not Applicable)
  5. Explanation of any credits earned elsewhere (Not Applicable)
  6. Computer Competency Test Products
    1. This electronic portfolio
    2. Company website: developed in 2001

Section 3: Research Experiences and Plans

  1. Self-reflective description of previous and current research activities and accomplishments
  2. List of competencies for which additional preparation is needed
  3. Description of planned future research activities
  4. List of significant research products

Section 4: Professional Experiences and Plans

  1. Self-reflective description of previous and current teaching/counseling/leadership activities
  2. List of competencies for which additional preparation is needed
  3. Description of planned future professional activities
  4. List of significant professional products

Section 5: Evidence of Analytical and Integrative Thinking

  1. Evidence of analytical and/or integrative thinking capabilities

Section 6: Documentation of Academic and Professional Growth

  1. Important course papers, projects, and exams
  2. Documents relating to research activities and accomplishments
  3. Documents relating to professional activities and accomplishments
  4. Documents providing evidence of analytical/integrative thinking
  5. Other relevant documents

Section 7: Initial Dissertation Planning

  1. The real-world problem or concern
  2. Potential research questions
  3. Theories, concepts, research literatures, and methodological approaches
  4. Areas of expertise that will need to be represented on the dissertation committee