Section 6: Documentation of Academic and Professional Growth

         Note: According to the GMU Portfolio Guidelines, items in this section should include only those documents that are previously listed in Sections 3 - Research Experiences and Plans, 4 - Professional Experiences and Plans, and 5 - Evidence of Analytical and Integrative Thinking.  In my case, section 5 either directly refers to every document listed in the section 3 and 4 or it points to the two sections.   I have included only those papers that I have mentioned in the three sections earlier, i.e., 3, 4, and 5.   The comprehensive list of every assignment and every paper is available under individual course details page.

  1. Important course papers, projects, and exams
  2. Documents relating to research activities and accomplishments
  3. Documents relating to professional activities and accomplishments
  4. Documents providing evidence of analytical/integrative thinking
  5. Other relevant documents
    • Every document mentioned in the sections 3, 4, and 5 is listed above.  See every course-specific details page, by clicking course specific button on the side menu, for each single document for the course.