EDUC 800

Course Details

  • EDUC 800: Ways of Knowing
  • Semester: Spring 2005
  • Professor: Dr. Joseph Maxwell
  • Syllabus


Required Texts

  • Belenky, M.; Clinchy, B.; Goldberger, N.; & Tarule, J. (1986). Women's ways of
    . HarperCollins.
  • Bruner, J. (1996). Actual minds, possible worlds. Harvard University Press.
  • Descartes, R. (1637). Discourse on method and related writings. Penguin
  • Gleick, J. (1987). Chaos. Penguin.
  • Kuhn, T. (1976). The structure of scientific revolutions. University of Chicago
  • National Research Council (2002). Scientific Research in education.
            National Academy Press. Available online at

Additional Resources

  • American Psychological Association (2001). Publication Manual (5th ed.).
            Washington, DC.

Course Reflections

        By the time I took this course, I was getting much more comfortable with my overall academic progress and integration into the college.   Before taking this course, I thought Dr. Brazer was the only one who made us write a lot, however, that perception changed when I took this course with Dr. Maxwell.   Actually, he took it even further, he made us not only write more but read more as well ... a lot more than I thought I would be asked to read in a single course.   Every week was the same ... there was too much to read, and something to write.  However, every activity, every reading or writing assignment exposed me to something I never knew or thought of before.  I wrote my final paper on "academic writing" as a new way of knowing.  Writing for this paper helped me develop a new perspective on the process and the benefits of academic writing.  Finally, the excercise of writing a short reflective analysis paper on ways of knowing helped me reflect on everything I learned about ways of knowing in this course.  This was by far the most interesting and informative course in the doctoral program.

        [Click here] to see the list of competencies achieved in this course.