EDUC 805 I

Course Details

  • EDUC 805 I: Doctoral Seminar in Education (Part I)
  • Semester: Fall 2004
  • Professor: Dr. Mark B. Goor, Associate Dean
  • Syllabus


Required Texts

  • None

Additional Resources

  • Articles presented during each class

Course Reflections

        EDUC 805 (part I) balanced out EDRS 810, which I took in the same semester, nicely by drawing connections between the research methodologies and the type of research done by academics at the College of Education and Human Development.   This seminar provided a look into the wide variety of interests among the college faculty, their experiences and struggles with research, their styles, and their dedication for their work.  It opened doors to points of contact and resources for future research, and helped me identify individuals whom I might consult for guidance as I navigate my way through the remainder of the Ph.D. program.  Some of the advice provided by the lecturing guests still resonates with me today.  Particularly, that everything I do in my coursework should in some way contribute to my dissertation.  I think that this was a great combination of classes to take.  It gave me further exposure, to the world I was entering and what was going to be expected from me as I progressed through the program.  Everything was still a bit fuzzy and I was still unsure about the topic to pursue for my dissertation and the questions I should be thinking about, but I was beginning to learn the lingo.

        [Click here] to see the list of competencies achieved in this course.