EDLE 815

Course Details

  • EDLE 815: Conceptual Frameworks in Education Leadership
  • Semester: Fall 2005
  • Professors: Dr. S. David Brazer
  • Syllabus


Required Texts

  • Cuban, L. (1988). The managerial imperative and the practice of leadership in
    . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Phelan, P.; Davidson, A.; & Yu, H. (1998). Adolescents' worlds: Negotiating
            family, peers, and school
    . New York: Teachers' College Press.

Additional Resources

  • Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (most recent

Course Reflections

        I had Dr. Brazer in this course, which meant more reading ... and ... more writing.  Before this course, I had a general idea about what a conceptual framework meant in social science research, however, this was the first course that helped me further clarify the idea of a conceptual framework, design a conceptual framework that informed my own research questions, identify, and articulate different conceptual frameworks used in various publications.  Furthermore, this course introduced me to additional perspectives on education and leadership.  Finally, I used this course to develop a conceptual framework around the same topic and the same set of research questions that I had already worked on in my previous education leadership coursework.

        [Click here] to see the list of competencies achieved in this course.