Apollo Apollo Poetry, prophecy, medicine
Aphrodite Venus Love
Artemis Diana Hunt; moon
Athena Minerva Wisdom; crafts; war
Cronos Saturn King of Titans/ Golden Age
Demeter Ceres Grainfields
Dionysus Bacchus/ Liber Wine; theater
Eros Cupid/ Amor Love
Ge/ Gaea Tellus Earth
Hades Pluto Underworld
Hephaestus Vulcan Metals/ fire
Hera Juno Queen of the gods, wife of Zeus
Hermes Mercury Communications/ trade
Odysseus Ulixes/ Ulysses Pertinacious hero
Persephone Proserpina Queen of the Underworld
Poseidon Neptune Sea
Prometheus Prometheus Titan - benefactor of mankind
Psyche Anima Soul
Rhea Cybele Mother of the Olympian gods
Uranus Uranus Sky
Zeus Jupiter/ Jove King of the Olympian gods


Zeus & Hera: hieros gamos.  > children: Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia.
Hera periodically restores her virginity, taking bath in sacred spring. In case of emergency. she borrows the girdle of Aphrodite. Hera is always jealows; Zeus - always unfaithful.

 Love-affairs of Zeus (to name a few):
   with mortal women:
  + Io (> cow)  =  Epaphus, fore-father of nations
  + Europa (bull)  =  Minos, king of Crete
  + Leda (swan)   =  two eggs; each hatched twins:
       Helen of Sparta (= Helen of Troy)       Clytemnestra
       Pollux   Dioscuri (= Zeus' Boys)
  + Danae (golden shower) =  Perseus
  + Alcmene (husband) =  Heracles
  + Semele   =  Dionysus (ascension of Semele)
   with goddesses:
  + Metis, Titaness (swallowed) = Athena
  + Leto   =  twins:
  + Demeter   =  Persephone
  + Maia, nymph  =  Hermes

Hera retaliates by giving parthenogenetic birth to Hephaestus - the arch-craftsman of gods, lame. Married to Aphrodite & divorced.
Water gods: all know future. - Proteus; Ocean & Oceanids; Nereus & Nereids.
Lesser gods: Pan; nymphs; satyrs.
Gods periodically scheme and rebel against Zeus. He keeps them under control with the help of Hecatoncheirs and Cyclopes.
Actually, it is the Moirai (3 sisters: Clotho; Lachesis; Atropos) who really are in charge of the universe. They are weavers: Clotho/ Spinner weaves the thread of life; Lachesis/ Chance measures it; Atropos/ Inevitable One cuts it.  Even gods fear and obey them. They mind their own business, however, and report to Ananke/ Necessity.
Basic rules:
1. No god must undo anything wrought by other god.
2. Any god who has sworn by the waters of the river of death, Styx, must keep his word.
3. Gifts and favors of gods, as well as their love, usually bring disaster to mortals.