Names:  Aphrodite; Cytherea; Cypris; Lat. Venus.
Epithets:  Smile-loving; Golden.
Powers:  Love; beauty; charms; attraction; good luck.
Attributes and symbols:  Sea-shell; doves; rose; girdle of irresistible attraction.
Gifts to mortals:  Charms; desire; procreation.
Origin:  From the severed phallus of Uranus in the sea-foam (Aphrodite Urania, - Heavenly).
 Or: daughter of Zeus and some Dione (derivative of Zeus. - Aphrodite Pandemos, -
 of the Crowds).
Loves:  Ares; Adonis; Anchises, et al.
Spouse:  Hephaestus.
Children:  Aeneas (by Anchises); Eros/Cupid (by Ares)
Chosen people/ places:  Islands: Cythera, Cyprus; Cnidus; Corinth.
 Worshipped in Rome as Venus Genetrix - Ancestral Venus.
Pageant:  Charites (Lat. Graces); Horae (Seasons); doves.
Allies/ favorites:   Trojans, esp. Paris; Helen; Phaedra; sculptor Pygmalion; Hippomenes (won over Atalanta with the golden apples).
Adversaries:  Hera & Athena (lost to her the beauty contest); Hippolytus (defies her power).
Victims:  Hippolytus; Phaedra; Dido, et al.
Notes:  The name Aphrodite is usually explained from the Gk. aphros - foam (of the sea of her birth). Plato, however, explains the name from a-phrosyne - foolishness, lack of wisdom.