Names:  Hermes; Lat. Mercury. 
Epithets:  Son of Maia; Argus-slayer; Psychiopompus (Guide of souls); Trismegistos (Thrice-Greatest: Gnostic cult). 
Powers:  Communications of all sorts. Can lead all the ways and open all locks. Herald of gods. Patron of travelers, merchants and thieves. Contacts between the worlds of immortal, mortals and the dead. 
Attributes and symbols:  Caduceus; petasos (wide-brimmed hat, often winged): talaria (winged sandals). Turtle (used to make lyre).
Gifts to mortals:   Good luck; protection; advise; shows ways. 
Origin:  Son of Zeus and Maia (Arcadian cave-nymph). 
Loves:  Aphrodite; Dryope, et al.
Spouse:  ---
Children:  Hermaphroditus (from Aphrodite); Pan, goat-footed god (from Dryope); Myrtilus; Autolycus, et al. 
Chosen people/ places:  Arcadia: his birth-place.
Pageant:  ---
Allies/ favorites:   Apollo; Athena; Perseus. 
Adversaries:  Apollo (demanded back his stolen cattle and bartered it for the lyre). 
Victims:  Argus Panoptes (All-Seeing, hundred-eyed guard of Io). 
Notes:  Also worshipped in shapes of hermae - erect milestones aong the streets and roads.