Names:  Poseidon; Lat. Neptune.
Epithets:  Blue-curled; Earth-Shaker. 
Powers:  King of the sea; storms; earthquakes. 
Attributes and symbols:  Trident; chariot of horses. 
Gifts to mortals:  Horse; some springs.
Origin:  Son of Cronus & Rhea (vomited by Cronus).
Loves:  Demeter; Ge; Medusa; Lapith girl Caenis changed into boy Caeneus; Amymone, one of the 50 daughters of Danaus; Aethra of Troezen, et al. 
Spouse:  Amphitrite (Surf-wave); Lat. Salacia (Salty). 
Children:  Triton (from Amphitrite); Orion; Pegasus (from Medusa); Bellerophon; Theseus (from Aethra); Giant Antaeus (from Ge); arrogant kings: Busiris; Amicus; Cycnus, et al. 
Chosen people/ places:  Likes and often visits Ethiopians - Africa & Caucasus. Also, Attica; Corinth.
Pageant:  Tritons; dolphins; chariot of horses. 
Allies/ favorites:    Pelops; Dioscuri; Argonauts.
Adversaries:  Athena; Minos; Cassiopeia (Ethiopian queen, mother of Andromeda). 
Victims:  Hippolytus (son of Theseus); Medusa; Odysseus.
Notes:  Seems to be the high deity of the Minoan past: the name Poseidon = Lord of Earth? 
 Occasionally, he objects Zeus' domination.