Names:   Eros (many - Erotes) & Anteros; Phanes (Orphic); Lat. Amor; Cupid.
Epithets:  Bitter-Sweet; Irresistible; Winged God. 
Powers:  Attraction/ aversion (Anteros). 
Attributes and symbols:  Bow and arrows; wings.
Gifts to mortals:  Erotic infatuation (or aversion). 
Origin:  From Chaos - primal outburst of creative energy. 
 Or: son of Aphrodite and Ares, winged pranky infant. 
Loves:  Psyche (Soul, Lat. Anima: tale from Apuleius' Golden Ass). 
Spouse:   Psyche. 
Children:  ? All the Universe?
Chosen people/ places:  All creatures.
Pageant:  --- ?
Allies/ favorites:   ---
Adversaries:  Hippolytus.
Victims:  Apollo; Phaedra; Medea; Ariadne; Dido; Polyphemus (loved Galatea in vain); Myrrha (mother of Adonis by her father), et al.
Notes:  Appears as: whirlwind; winged youth; winged infant(s)