Names:  Gaea/ Gaia/ Ge; Chton; Themis; Lat. Terra-Mater; Tellus.
Epithets:  Wide; All-Mother; Black.
Powers:   Sustains life.
Attributes and symbols:   Cornucopia.
Gifts to mortals:  Landscape; sustenance.
Origin:  From Chaos - self-born?
Loves:    Uranus.
Spouse:  Uranus.
Children:  Uranus; Titans (from Uranus); Hecatoncheirs; Giants; Typhon, et al.
Chosen people/ places:  ---
Pageant:  All goddesses.
Allies/ favorites:  Cronus and the Titans.
Adversaries:   Uranus (precluded her deliveries of children).
Victims:  Uranus (castrated on her instigation); Persephone (lured to her marriage).
Notes:  In the words of Prometheus, Ge is "mother... the one shape of many names'.