Names:  Prometheus. 
Epithets:   Pyrkaios (Fire-Bearer). 
Powers:  Intelligence; compassion to humans; foresight. 
Attributes and symbols:  Fire; eagle peeking on his liver; bracelet of iron from the old chain. 
Gifts to mortals:   Made man out of clay. Fire; industries; civilization. Relieved early people from the knowledge of future, instilled hopes. 
Origin:  Son of the Titan Iapetus and Themis, brother of Epimetheus and Atlas.
Loves:  ?
Spouse:  (? Pronoea - Foresight) 
Children:  Deucalion, survivor of the flood with his wife Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora. 
Chosen people/ places:  Was nailed to the rock in Caucasus for millennial torments. 
Pageant:  Brother Epimetheus. Commiserating Oceanids. 
Allies/ favorites:   Hephaestus; Athena; Heracles (released him from torments). All mankind. 
Adversaries:  Zeus.
Victims:  ---
Notes:  Has the traits of trickster-creator, the "cultural hero' of primitive mythologies. 
 In Aeschylus' tragedy, Prometheus is the noble and proud champion of mankind. 
 Mythological parallels: Germanic Odin (self-induced torment in search for the knowledge of runes); Loki (chained to the cliff as a punishment for challenging gods); 
 Biblical Job (challenges supreme rule of the universe); snake/ Fiend (prompts humans to partake of knowledge, thus ending their paradisiac existence).