

Kayak Features

Effective Student/Researcher use of Assistive Technology (AT)

By Susan Kenney 

February 2009

Additions - December 2009


 Assistive technology (AT) can be compared with a kayak which can be used as a vehicle for travel or a means of recreation.  Usually a boater would use a two bladed paddle to maneuver through the water.  After learning how to use the different features, tools, and techniques to apply with each, and with practice using them, a kayaker can maneuver around boulders and submerged tree trunks, down rapids or phlegmatic waters to find treasures of nature and travel from one place to another.  But what about people who have difficulty maneuvering the paddle because of a disability with hands or arms?  Should the serene experience of gliding through the waves with the cool breeze massaging and soothing one’s being, of communing with water fowl, sunlight, clouds, or of listening to nature’s symphony, be relegated to vicarious encounters?  Now, all kayakers, including those who have disabilities can choose from a variety of possible methods of propulsion.  If their arms are their strength, paddling would fit their needs.  If legs are stronger and more consistent, peddles are now available in some kayaks.  And for those who may need assistance from the environment, sails are also available for various models.  And for some a unique combination or the features may fit their needs.  Although anyone can use the different features of something like the peddle-paddle kayak, when a person with a disability uses technology to improve access, function, or independence it is then called Assistive Technology.  Thus the peddle-paddle kayak can embody the vehicle of learning for both student needing AT and the novice AT researcher.

Kayak                     Represents         Vehicle of LearningKayak

      Personal Flotation Device      Personal Flotation Device Represents Leadership

Leadership supports as needed. Teachers/professors support a fledgling student/researcher. Leadership training through modeling prepares one to become a support to others.  EDUC 800 - Ways of Knowing introduced different ways of thinking and different perspectives of which leaders must be aware.  In EDUC 802 - Leadership Seminar, many examples of leadership were explored. EDUC 805 - Doctoral Seminar in Education presented leader exemplars.  EDIT 747 - Technology and Teacher Education was an opportunity to practice leadership as students joined the peer review process by reviewing proposed journal articles and discussing them with the editor.  In EDSE 841- Intervention Research in Special Education, research leaders in education were studied.  In  ACPS Substitute Orientations to Special Education a simulation created in EDIT 705 - Instructional Design was adapted to give prospective substitutes the experience of having a disability to develop the empathy that was encouraged in Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink.  

During my internship with Compuwrite camp leadership was a key.  From updating materials, to training the teachers to use assistive technology software, to troubleshooting when frustrations were mounting, to making decisions, the entire experience was a very important catalyst for leadership growth.  

Camera         Represents         Research camera    

Research is a means for concept integration/data collection as through learning/research. Visuals are key! EDRS 810 - Problems and Methods in Education Research was the introduction to the mindset, process, vocabulary, and power of research.  EDRS 811- Quantitative Methods in Education Research delved into quantitative research based on scientific investigations and measurement.  EDRS 812 - Qualitative Methods in Education Research revealed the tremendous promise of qualitative research that is conducted rigorously.  EDUC 802 - Leadership Seminar, showed how leaders use research to improve effectiveness and EDUC 805 - Doctoral Seminar in Education, brought in a great variety of researchers to tell about their journey that lead them to research and beyond.  In EDIT 747 - Technology and Teacher Education,  EDSE 841, Intervention Research in Special Education- and in EDSE 842- Application of Research Methodology in Special Education
articles were studied to identify key elements of research in order to be able to determine quality of research presented.  EDRS 823 Advanced Research Methods in Single Subject/Case Design was a concentration on the quality aspects of studies with fewer numbers of participants.  During Compuwrite camp although augmenting leadership skills was very important, while helping teachers through difficult situations, ideas for research were budding. 

Kayak tools        Represents  Learning environments-   Kayak  

It is vital to consider the student and environment when designing and/or choosing features for used for instruction and demonstration of skills as well as when choosing features of AT.   As the culmination of the AT Certificate program, EDSE 610- Designing Environments was the penultimate use of all skills learned in a program!  Adapting the environment in consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of the people involved was the focal point.  EDIT 705 - Instructional Design, identified the characteristics of the environment and best modes of learning, to design an instructional program.  It introduced the need for and benefits of the iterative process also highlighted in EDIT 730 - Analysis and Design of Hypermedia/Multimedia Learning Environments, EDIT 752 - Design and Production of Multimedia/Hypermedia Learning Environments, and EDRS 812 - Qualitative Methods in Education Research.  EDIT 747 - Technology and Teacher Education visited connections with teachers which is important when determining how to influence them to view AT as a viable tool for students with special needs.  EDIT 742- Gaming and Robotics stressed the immense possibilities in educational environments and opportunities for learning.   The Compuwrite camp gave experience in a different learning environment where assistive technology helped many students to create writing products and try out different technologies in safe surroundings. 

Paddle, Peddle, Sail, Trolley Wheels          Represents    Assistive Technology   kayak with wheels and peddles  kayak with sail

 The paddle represents Instructional Technology in General Education which is generally sufficient for kayakers or most students/researchers. The alternative modes of propulsion for the kayak symbolize Assistive Technology (AT).  The different approaches take advantage of strengths of the kayaker and energy in environment. They are examples of multiple means of representation and multiple means of expression.  AT was introduced in EDUC 600 - Workshop in Education.  EDSE 610- Designing Environments was the culmination of the AT Certificate program.  Students used all skills developed to create an environment designed specifically for a group of individuals with specific needs.  The needs of a great variety of disabilities were covered throughout the different classes.  For example, while in EDSE 669 - Position and Handling, the needs of students with severe disabilities were investigated, in EDIT 730 - Analysis and Design of Hypermedia/Multimedia Learning Environments and EDIT 752 - Design and Production of Multimedia/Hypermedia Learning Environments focused on students who were both gifted intellectually and had another exceptionality. EDIT 526 - Web Accessibility demonstrated the need to consider people with diverse needs when designing websites and the ways to develop a site that incorporated those needs.  The final projects for EDIT 705 - Instructional Design, EDRS 810 - Problems and Methods in Education Research, EDRS 811- Quantitative Methods in Education Research, EDSE 841- Intervention Research in Special Education, and in EDSE 842- Application of Research Methodology in Special Education all focused on investigating the effects of the availability of AT for students with writing difficulties in each of the methods studied.  EDRS 823 Advanced Research Methods in Single Subject/Case Design was a pilot study to investigate the use of picture-to-text software as assistive technology.  Compuwrite camp was filled with occasions to observe teachers and students trying many different writing assistive technologies.  Many possible research questions began to form concerning writing, assistive technology and its use in the educational setting by students and teachers.

 While in EDSE 649Advanced Clinical Psycho-Educational Assessment in Special Education the focus was in assessment of a person with special needs and in problem solving to give the person maximum independence, both high tech and low tech assistive technology solutions were found. 

            Rudder             Represents      Previous Research

Directs the craft as teacher models/previous AT research outlines the possibilities and needs. Current Literature is the guiding force. 

            Storage Containers   RepresentsResearch & Portfolios

Signify the collections of findings and of student/researcher organization of materials needed for learning/researching.  EDIT 772- Portfolio provided skills to assemble a collection of products illuminating the learning through this PhD program.  

Any of the options or combination of options can help a kayaker get from one place to another.  Learning to identify and use features and tools of AT that uniquely fit a situation and a student’s needs is the epitome of Assistive Technology!

Kayak with wheels and sail Kayak with wheels Kayak peddals paddling a kayak


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