EDSE 841
Intervention Research in Special Education

George Mason University
Fall 2008

  Student Typing


      Learning about Intervention Research in this course was an eye-opening experience. Although I had taken two research courses previously, this course initiated the beginning of a deeper understanding of research in general and educational research in particular. In this course we learned how to code articles (samples 1 & 2) in order to compare quality and findings. Learning about studies in the field of education, researched by educational professionals helped me to understand the implications of actions done during research on the findings and acceptance or rejection by other professionals in education. Learning how to read research critically, to search for the vital components, and to ensure the inclusion of those components are included in my research will provide the desired measure of quality so that my research will be more likely to add knowledge to the field of education.  The culmination of the course was a final research project.

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