Susan H. Kenney
PhD Portfolio
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      This theme flows through many courses. It has affected my understanding of research and assisted me in developing skills for systematic study.  Projects and readings from each class have honed skills and helped focus areas for research interest and ideas.  As I started EDRS 810, the idea of research was foreign to me.  Then EDRS 811 focused on understanding Quantitative Research.  EDRS 812 showed the nuances and benefits of Qualitative Research.  In the two courses EDSE 841 & EDSE 842, I learned from other educators who were already accomplished researchers.  I learned the components necessary to conduct a quality study.  To really investigate the benefits of Assistive Technology with specific students having individual learning needs,  This past semester through EDRS 823 I learned about the design of Single Subject Research in preparation for my dissertation study.

Research Ideas 2007

Research Ideas 2009

RWG 9 Pilot Study Spring 2009

PixWriter Pilot Study Fall 2009

Plans for Dissertation Study Summer 2010

More Research Ideas 2010

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