EDUC 805
Doctoral Seminar

George Mason University
Fall 2006 & Spring 2007

  The Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Center 

EDUC 805 Fall semester

EDUC 805 Spring semesterNew

EDUC 805 Fall semester

The incredible inspiration of the presenters continues to energize even after the conclusion of both semesters!  In the first  semester we learned about journeys beginning from as far away as a village in Africa, taking many twists and turns finding fascinating question to investigate, researching, teaching, traveling, and making a difference around the world!  The modeling of the myriad of directions a person with a PhD can take to become an influential difference has been captivating yet launching.  As the saying goes, “the sky is the limit!”

Fall- MidPoint Reflection
Fall- Final Reflection

EDUC 805 Spring semester

NewIn the Spring semester of EDUC 805, Dr. Joan Isenberg (2007) challenged us to extend beyond the youthful abilities of description through “Analysis, Application, Interpretation” which explores “motives, reasons, and meaning making” as it delves into the “how or why,” beyond to “Synthesis, Evaluation, and Reflection” which stitches all ideas together into a garment that reveals examination, consideration of influence, and impact. 

This type of thinking was not natural for me and had not even been noticed as a possibility.  It was a painful birth and continues to be a growth process that must be actively and consistently nurtured!

My midterm reflection was more descriptive than analytical.  Through Dr. Isenberg’s direction and exigent tutelage, growth occurred.  I submitted a second attempt at mid term reflection and practice example of reflective thinking, and a final reflection that showed both growth and possibilities. 

     I'm very thankful to Dr. Isenberg for the inspiration and the challenge! I look forward to shaking her hand at my graduation!

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