Susan H. Kenney                                                       April 17, 2007

EDUC 805: Doctoral Seminar                                    Dr. Joan P. Isenberg, Ed. D., Associate Dean

Mid Semester Reflection Resubmission                                                        

EDUC 805 has been a treasure chest of growth opportunities! Drs. White and Fox spoke about the importance of formal critical reflection.  In what stage in the coding guide would my reflections fall?  I recently reviewed my portfolio reflections made in the last few years.  I noticed that the later ones have grown longer and have a bit more substance than the earlier ones.  In my professional life, although I regularly reflect on my experiences and interactions with students, teachers, and parents, those reflections have usually been informal.  It is time to formalize my reflections!   Both my mistakes and my successes are sources of learning!  It is up to me to find a systematic time and way to critically reflect!

Blackboard discussion community has been another opportunity for growth. Having this community of learners, thinkers, teachers, helps me visit other perspectives and illuminates the blind spots that I may not recognize.  When others respond to my comments I feel validated and realize that I do have worth while contributions.  That helps me to think carefully and respond again. Sometimes when my thoughts are not well formulated, comments help me to consider other alternative positions which can help me find ways to strengthen my own perspective or adjust them if needed.   I am also introduced to other possibilities.   When I reflect with others, things they say may spark a thinking domino effect that often helps me put my ideas together in unique ways.  Reading about classmates youth struggles gives me a better awareness of the experiences of students, parents, and others I will meet, building empathy that will influence interactions.  

Both Dr. Ndura and Dr. Galluzzo mentioned that every day puzzlement and questions are the seeds of research.  As I interact with my students, colleagues, fellow PhD students, questions bubble up uncontrollably!  What is the best technology to help this student?  How can I influence these teachers to encourage the use of technology? What challenges do teachers face when trying to use technology and how does that impede technology integration? What have experts found to be effective ways to integrate technology in the classroom?  Why does technology integration thrive in some schools and with certain teachers? Rather than considering these thoughts empty, I am beginning to try to figure out ways to research these questions and find the answers as well as more questions! I see the world as golden nuggets of research opportunities and realize that I can be part of the solution to better education for students with special needs!


For final reflection-  note

Notice journal titles & news articles & put them in relationship with my possible research ideas

Network for research


While going through the PhD Program, I have also noticed the integration of the classes and assignments.  Learning the information and skills in one class helps with assignments and skills practiced in other classes. More importantly, each concept I learn is a small step in the journey towards my dissertation.  (Synthesis, Evaluation, and Reflection) Critical reflection is key to understanding how my decisions and actions affect what happens.  I am realizing how vital organization is in this process.  to  and it will be important to keep reflections organized in order to systematically learn from them and problem solve for actions that I should be take!  I am setting up files that will help me with the organization process.  As I reflect regularly I will determine the effect and seek other ways to develop the skills and knowledge required of a scholar.                                              

Is this more specific?   Do the labels fit?                

Thank you,        Susan Kenney

EDUC 805
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