PRLS 614, Legal Issues in Recreation Administration

Fall 2015

James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D.
School of Recreation, Health, & Tourism


PRLS 614 Syllabus (Course Description & Requirements)


August 31 through September 7 Introduction, Legal Research on Lexis/Nexis,

Search Article Archive for Issues of Interest:




Link to Video Lecture (outdated) on YouTube:



 Memo due on September 14 for Issue One: Copyright Liability Unlicensed Music in Public Parks & Recreation

HyperLinks to Readings in Blue


Director Inquiry: “Do we need to have a license and pay for music played at our facilities?  Any type of music? Radio?”


               Blanket Agreements License Government Music

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Mar.. 2008. Vol. 43, Iss.3.



     Federal Counsel Responds to NRPA , Clarifies Copyright Music Public Park Exemption

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Feb 1992. Vol. 27, Iss . 2; p. 14 (7 pages)


New federal law enlivens copyright controversy.

James C. Kozlowski.  Parks & Recreation March 1983 v17 p20(3)


Public recreation liability under 1976 copyright law uncertain.

James C. Kozlowski.  Parks & Recreation March 1983 v17 p30(3)



Radio Music Copyright Liability--Private Home or Commercial Sound System?

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .    Dec 1991. Vol. 26, Iss . 12; p. 14


Music Theater Denied Not-For-Profit, Fair Use Copyright Exemptions

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .    Nov 1991. Vol. 26, Iss . 11; p. 24



Memo due on September 21 if Issue 2 is chosen: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR TAX &      NEGLIGENCE LIABILITY


Director Inquiry: “Do we need to withhold state and federal taxes from the money we pay our program instructors, like personal trainers, martial arts instructors?  Are we liable if one of the participants gets hurt in one of the instructors’ programs or activities?”




No Liability for Independent Contractor Negligence

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Dec. 2013 Vol. 48, Iss. 12


Control Test Defines Independent Contractor or Employee Sports Official

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .    Apr 1992. Vol. 27, Iss . 4; p. 22 (5 pages)



Memo due on September 28 if Issue 3 is chosen:  CONTRACT LAW


Director Inquiry: “Do we have to have competitive bidding for all our purchases and contracts?  Must we take the lowest bid?  Can we use contract law to limit our liability exposure?”



Statutes dictate public contracting requirements.

James C. Kozlowski.  Parks & Recreation Oct 1982 v17 p28(7)


 Park Garbage Bag Competitive Bid Contract

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Feb.. 2010 Vol. 45, Iss. 2


Competitive Bidding “Fairness” in Concession Contract

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Sep 2015 Vol. 49, Iss. 9



Safety Review Not Specified in Contract

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Jul.. 2008. Vol. 43, Iss.7.


Swim Event Agreement Indemnifies City’s Negligence

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Sept. 2011 Vol. 46, Iss. 9



Memo due on October 5 if Issue 4 is chosen: GENDER DISCRIMINATION & SEXUAL HARASSMENT


Director Inquiry “What’s sexual harassment?  What should we do about it?  Is it illegal to treat women and girls differently than men and boys?”   


Recreation Supervisor Gender Discrimination
    James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Aug 2006. Vol. 41, Iss.8.


Constitutional Test For Gender Discrimination In Public Facilities

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Mar 2002. Vol. 37, Iss. 3


Girl Banned From Privately Sponsored Boys Basketball Tournament

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Mar 2000. Vol. 35, Iss . 3


Sexual Harassment


City Responds Appropriately to Sexual Harassment Claim
James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Jun 2005. Vol. 40, Iss. 6.


City Failed To Prevent Sexual Harassment By Lifeguard Supervisors

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Sep 1998. Vol. 33, Iss . 9; P. 63 (6 Pages)


Psychological Injury Not Required For Sexual Harassment In "Abusive Work Environment"

               James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Jan 1995. Vol. 30, Iss . 1; p. 22



Memo due on October 13 if Issue 5 is chosen: NON-RESIDENT DISCRIMINATION


Memo prep notes non resident example

Memo prep non resident example YouTube video


Director Inquiry: “Can we treat non residents differently than residents?  Ban non residents from using recreational facilities? Charge non residents?”


Field Use Policy Favored Residents
    James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. May. 2008. Vol. 43, Iss.5.


Equity in Latino Neighborhood Parks Questioned
    James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Jan. 2008. Vol. 43, Iss.1.


Can Town Restrict Public Park Access To Residents And Their Guests?

              James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .    Oct 2001. Vol. 36, Iss. 10


Validity of nonresident and other discriminatory regulations in municipal recreation.
    James C. Kozlowski.  Parks & Recreation March 1982 v17 p28(4)


 Residency Policy Racial Discrimination Claim

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Jan. 2015 Vol. 49, Iss. 1



Memo due on October 19 if Issue 6 is chosen: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 

Employment Issues


Director Inquiry: “What do we need to know to comply with the ADA in hiring/firing individuals who claim they have a disability?”


Parks Administration Back Disability ADA Claims

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Apr. 2014 Vol. 48, Iss. 4


 Job Offer Rescinded for Hearing-Impaired Lifeguard

               James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Dec. 2011 Vol. 46, Iss. 12


               ADA Claim After Recreation Center Assault

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Jul. 2010 Vol. 45, Iss. 7


ADA Obesity Impairment Must Be Physiological

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Oct. 2008. Vol. 43, Iss.10.


Memo due on October 26 if Issue 6 is chosen: Privacy/Publicity Rights of the Individual


Director Inquiry: “In our promotional materials, we have a lot of photos of adults and children using our recreational facilities.  One parent recently objected after she saw a picture of our child in one of our brochures.  Can we use photos in which adults and children are enjoying our programs and facilities?”


"Right of Publicity" in Park Promo Media
James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. May. 2006. Vol. 41, Iss.5.


“Invasion Of Privacy” For Unauthorized Use Of Team Photo?

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Jan 2003. Vol. 38, Iss. 1


Video Surveillance Unreasonable Search in Locker Room

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Jan. 2009 Vol. 44, Iss.1.


Memo due on November 2 if Issue 7 is chosen: Public Competition with Private Sector in Recreation

Director Inquiry:  “The owner of a local private fitness club is claiming, as a tax free public agency, it is illegal for us to provide similar fitness machines and equipment to the public.  He claims unfair competition from the public recreation center is driving him out of business.  Is he right?  What should we do?”

State Bills Would Ban Public Competition With Private Business

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Aug 2003. Vol. 38, Iss. 8


Authorized Public Recreation May Legally Compete With Private Facilities

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation . Sep 1993. Vol. 28, Iss . 9

Municipal competition with private enterprise must satisfy public purpose test.
James C. Kozlowski.  Parks & Recreation Dec 1982 v17 p18(5)



Memo due on November 9 if Issue 8 is chosen: ENVIRONMENTAL & LAND USE LAW


Director Inquiry:  “I think we acquired some of our parks many years ago with assistance from the federal government in the form of grants from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).  The School Board would like to build a much needed elementary school on a small portion of one of these parks. The school will provide public recreation opportunities during after school hours, weekends, and summers. What do we need to consider re LWCF?  Is there a NEPA issue as well?  If so, what do we need to do?”


National Lakeshore Residents Resist Tree Removal

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Feb. 2014 Vol. 48, Iss. 2


NEPA Review of Fracking Leases on Public Lands

 James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Aug. 2013 Vol. 48, Iss. 8


State Park Mineral Exploration in LWCF Project

 James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Nov. 2012 Vol. 47, Iss. 11


Private Property Mineral Rights Under State Parks

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Jan 2012 Vol. 47, Iss. 1


  Park Conversion Protection in LWCF Project Map

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Nov. 2011 Vol. 46, Iss. 11


NEPA Challenge to Park Sharpshooters for Deer Control

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Oct. 2011 Vol. 46, Iss. 10


Public Trust Challenge to Private Park Museum

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Jun 2015 Vol. 49, Iss. 6





Director Inquiry:  “Can we ban anyone who we suspect has ever committed a sexual offense from using any of our parks and recreational facilities?  How about someone with a criminal history of violent behavior?” 


Pedophile Clown Brings His Act To Playland

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Nov 2003. Vol. 38, Iss. 11


“Sexual Addict” Banned From Parks After “Cruising” For Kids

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Oct 2004. Vol. 39, Iss . 10


Molester Park Ban Constitutional Process
James C. Kozlowski.
Parks & Recreation. Dec. 2005. Vol. 40, Iss. 12.


 Park Playground Ban on Adults Unaccompanied by Children

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Mar. 2015 Vol. 49, Iss. 3


Pool Pass Confiscated for "Lurking" Around Children

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Jun. 2010 Vol. 45, Iss. 6




Memo due on November 30 if Issue 10 is chosen: Constitutional Law: Homeless, Panhandling, Loitering


Director Inquiry: “We have been receiving a number of complaints from neighbors near our parks about homeless people wandering around one of our parks, sometimes sleeping in the parks, asking for money.  Some neighbors say they are afraid to use the park and afraid to let their children use the park.  What can we do to remove these “undesirables” from the parks?”


Cardboard Homeless Shelter in Park
James C. Kozlowski.
Parks & Recreation. Oct 2006. Vol. 41, Iss.10.


Ordinance Prohibiting Nighttime Loitering in City Park Constitutional

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Jan 1993. Vol. 28, Iss . 1


Criminal Street Gang “Loitering” Statute Unconstitutionally Vague

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Aug 1999. Vol. 34, Iss . 8; P. 36 (6 Pages)


Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? Panhandling In Public Parks And Places

 James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Dec 1999. Vol. 34, Iss . 12; P. 34 (5 Pages)  


Camp "Cleanup" Makes Homeless Status Criminal

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Mar. 2011 Vol. 46, Iss. 3


Memo due on December 7 if Issue 11 is chosen: First Amendment Establishment Clause: Religious Use of Public Facility


Director Inquiry:  “We have had a number of requests from religious groups to use our recreation facilities for religious ceremonies and religious education.  Some residents have objected to religious use of public facilities, claiming it is unconstitutional.  Do we have to accommodate these religious groups; can we deny their requests?”


No Home For Homeschooling At The Rec Center

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Dec 2003. Vol. 38, Iss. 12

Bible Youth Group Excluded From School Open For Community Use

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Aug 2001. Vol. 36, Iss. 8


City Policy Ban On Religious Film In Senior Center Unconstitutional

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Dec 1996. Vol. 31, Iss . 12; P. 33 (4 Pages)


Did City Ballfield Permits Favor Religious Schools?

 James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Aug 2012 Vol. 47, Iss. 8




AVAILABLE  ELECTIVE ISSUES (subject to instructor approval which may include later case law if less than 3 articles)  Students may identify other elective issues for instructor approval


Constitutional Law: First Amendment and “Occupy Wall Street” in Public Parks


Park “Occupation” Protest Protected Speech or Camping? 

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Feb 2012 Vol. 47, Iss. 2


Park Hours Prohibited Overnight Occupation

 James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Sep. 2013 Vol. 48, Iss. 9


 Neutral Park Curfew Ordinance Constitutional

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Aug 2014 Vol. 48, Iss. 8



Emergency Assistance


AED "Heart Shock Box" Whereabouts Unknown
James C. Kozlowski.
Parks & Recreation. Oct. 2007. Vol. 42, Iss.10.


Prompt 911 Call Satisfied Duty to Heart Attack Victim
L.A. Fitness International v. Mayer (Fla.App. 4/23/2008)


Post-Injury Procedure: Medical Assistance And Liability

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .    Oct 1997. Vol. 32, Iss . 10; P. 40 (8 Pages)


 Lower Liability Standard for Coaches During Competition

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, May 2015 Vol. 49, Iss. 5


Concussion Training Lacking in Federal Civil Rights Claim

James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Oct 2014 Vol. 48, Iss. 10


Labor Law


Recreation Agencies Concerned About Child Labor Laws

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Aug 1996. Vol. 31, Iss . 8; P. 36 (7 Pages)


 Unpaid Student Interns Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. May. 2010 Vol. 45, Iss. 5


OSHA Rule Applies To Ocean Lifeguard Position & Mouth-To-Mouth Resuscitation Task

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Jul 1992. Vol. 27, Iss . 7 (blood borne pathogens)


First Amendment Establishment Clause: Religious Message in Public Facility


Park Buy-A-Brick Fundraiser Hits A Constitutional Wall

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Aug 2004. Vol. 39, Iss. 8


Religious Message Excluded From Christmas Displays In Park

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Jul 2004. Vol. 39, Iss. 7


 Ten Commandments Advertisement On Ballfield Fence

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Feb 2000. Vol. 35, Iss . 2


First Amendment Dilemma: Civic Event Fund Discriminated Against Prayer Day

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Sep 2000. Vol. 35, Iss . 9


First Amendment Establishment Clause: Sports Programs

Basketball Prayer Tradition Unconstitutional

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Sep 1996. Vol. 31, Iss . 9; P. 41 (6 Pages)

Religious Freedom Constitutional Challenge to Sports Program Rule

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Jul 1990. Vol. 25, Iss . 7; p. 23

Free Speech in the Workplace


Director Fired After Critical E-Mail
James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Feb.. 2008. Vol. 43, Iss.2.

Unconstitutional Retaliation Against Employee's Free Speech?

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Mar 2001. Vol. 36, Iss. 3


Constitutional Law: Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause: Banned from Facility

Community Center "Dirty Dancing"
James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Nov. 2006. Vol. 41, Iss.11.


Unwritten Park Trespass Policy Unconstitutional
James C. Kozlowski.
Parks & Recreation. Feb.. 2007. Vol. 42, Iss.2.

Police Claim Authority to Ban Gambler from Park Indefinitely

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Feb 2005. Vol. 40, Iss . 2


Angry Hockey Dad Fights Five Year Ban From City Arena

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Mar 2003. Vol. 38, Iss. 3


Liability Waivers & Releases

Liability Waivers And Releases Overview: Can You Say "Exculpatory Agreement"?

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .    Mar 1996. Vol. 31, Iss . 3; P. 30 (5 Pages)


Commercial Waiver Signed by Parent
James C. Kozlowski.
Parks & Recreation. Jun.. 2007. Vol. 42, Iss.6.


Waiver for Disabled Teen Drowning
James C. Kozlowski.
Parks & Recreation. Jan. 2007. Vol. 42, Iss.1.


State High Court Upholds Waiver Signed By Parent

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Oct 1998. Vol. 33, Iss . 10; P. 40 (6 Pages)


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Program Accessibility


Track Champs Pointless for Wheelchairs
James C. Kozlowski.
Parks & Recreation. Sep.. 2007. Vol. 42, Iss.9.

Club Refuses To Modify League Rules for Disabled Competitor
James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation. Oct 2005. Vol. 40, Iss. 10.

ADA Requires Daycare Program To Accommodate Autistic Child

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation .   Dec 2002. Vol. 37, Iss. 12


Combat Karate Class Illustrates ADA "Direct Threat" Exception

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Nov 2000. Vol. 35, Iss . 11


Corrective Measures Relevant In Determining "Disability" Under ADA

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Apr 2000. Vol. 35, Iss . 4


ADA Claimants Must be Qualified for Swim Programs

 James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Sept. 2012 Vol. 47, Iss. 9


Blind Paintballers Disability Discrimination Claim

 James C. Kozlowski, Parks & Recreation, Apr. 2013 Vol. 48, Iss. 4


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Facility Accessibility


ADA Requires Wheelchair Areas to Be Integrated Into General Seating

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Jan 2005. Vol. 40, Iss . 1


State Fair Fails ADA Accessibility Test For Existing Facilities

James C. Kozlowski. Parks & Recreation.    Sep 2004. Vol. 39, Iss . 9


ADA Regulations Require Detailed Self-Evaluation Of Accessibility

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Feb 1995. Vol. 30, Iss . 2; P. 14 (5 Pages)


ADA Requires Integration, Prohibits Stereotyped Segregation of Disabled

James C. Kozlowski Parks & Recreation .   Oct 1994. Vol. 29, Iss . 10




Park Buy-A-Brick Fundraiser Hits a Constitutional Wall. Parks and Recreation. Aug 2004. Vol. 39, Iss. 8.


First Amendment Dilemma: Civic Event Fund Discriminated Against Prayer Day Parks and Recreation. Sep 2000. Vol. 35, Iss. 9.


School Refuses To Post Ten Commandments Advertisement On Ballfield Fence. Parks and Recreation. Feb 2000. Vol. 35, Iss. 2.





School's Alcohol-Abuse Policy Withstands Constitutional Challenge. Parks and Recreation. May 1999. Vol. 34, Iss. 5; 48.


County Dress Code Ruled Unconstitutional. Parks and Recreation. Aug 2002. Vol. 37, Iss. 8.


Is a Politically Correct Code of Conduct Too Idealistic for the First Amendment? Parks and Recreation. May 2002. Vol. 37, Iss. 5.


Challenged Dress Code Prohibited Clothing with Offensive Illustrations. Parks and Recreation. May 2001. Vol. 36, Iss. 5.





Supreme Court: Random Drug Testing Constitutional Without Identifiable Drug Problem. Parks and Recreation. Oct 2002.


Random Drug Testing Requires Identifiable Drug Abuse Problem. Parks and Recreation. Jul 2001. Vol. 36, Iss. 7.


Questioning the Constitutionality of Drug Tests Constitutionality of Drug Test Requirement for Athletes? Parks and Recreation. Feb 1999. Vol. 34, Iss. 2; p. 32 





Latin Cross in Public Park Violates Federal and State Constitutions. Parks and Recreation. Jan 1999. Vol. 34, Iss. 1; 38 (7 Pages).


Religious Symbol a Snake In The Grass? Serpent Statue in City Park: Unconstitutional Religious Symbol? Parks and Recreation. Sep 1999. Vol. 34, Iss. 9; p. 50 


Supreme Court Split on Public Display of Ten Commandments. Parks and Recreation. Sep 2005. Vol. 40, Iss. 9.


Eagles Ten Commandments Park Monument Fails “Lemon” Test. Parks and Recreation. May 2004. Vol. 39, Iss. 5.


Establishment Clause Violation Persists Despite Sale of Park Statue. Parks and Recreation. Jun 2000. Vol. 35, Iss. 6.


Constitutional Fence for a Monumental Controversy? Parks and Recreation. Apr 2005. Vol. 40, Iss. 4.





Constitution Bans Religious Effect in Public Holiday Displays Parks & Recreation . Oct 1989. Vol. 24, Iss . 10; p. 20


Religious Message Excluded From Christmas Displays In Park. Parks and Recreation. Jul 2004. Vol. 39, Iss. 7.


"Unattended Structures" Ban Includes Nativity Scene On Town Green. Parks and Recreation. Feb 2002. Vol. 37, Iss. 2.


Menorah In City Park: Unconstitutional Exception To Ban On Private Park Displays. Parks and Recreation. Mar 1997. Vol. 32, Iss. 3; p. 40