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Development of Consultants in the Social Sciences 


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Description of Training Program 

Goals and Objectives
Home | Goals and Objectives | Requirements for the Course | Description of Evaluation | Getting Started

At the conclusion of this training, it is expected that you will think like a consultant in the social sciences by possessing the knowledge, skills and abilities to function independently and within a team environment at the Senior Associate level. You are not expected to know all the answers, but you should be able to demonstrate the following capabilities.

  • Identify resources for business opportunities
  • Foster relationships with current and new clients
  • Design and develop timelines and tasks for proposals and projects
  • Manage tasks and projects within resource (e.g., money, time, staff) constraints
  • Create budgets for proposals and projects according to task specifications and guidelines provided by the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative
  • Manage and mentor junior staff
    Effectively communicate orally (e.g., public speaking, presentation skills, group work) and
    in writing (e.g., report writing, training manuals, memos)
  • Effectively work independently and within groups on project work
  • Understand Metiere’s corporate culture and function within the company’s accepted norms of business practices.

Visit the Tools and Resources page for a link to Metiere’s definition of consulting skills for Senior Associates.