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Description of Training Program 

Description of Evaluation
Home | Goals and Objectives | Requirements for the Course | Description of Evaluation | Getting Started

Evaluation consists of four major components:

1. Your Learning Goals

The training will use a multi-faceted approach for evaluating your performance. You will develop your own learning goals that you will work to reach as you perform tasks for client contracts. Learning goals should be structured to help you meet performance criteria as established for senior associates.

2. Assessment Rubrics

Additionally, you will develop an assessment rubric to rate yourself on your performance and achievement of the learning goals. Senior personnel and your peers will use your assessment rubric, plus a standardized rubric used to rate all presentations, to rate your accomplishments of the learning goals during your final presentation.

3. Weekly Meetings

Finally, your weekly meetings with mentors, level of participation in peer training group meetings, and reflection journal entries will serve to evaluate your performance in this course.

4. Portfolio

The training will culminate in a final portfolio presentation where you will provide examples of your skills (e.g., critical incidences, products), discuss the knowledge you have learned and tell how you have achieved your goals.