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Development of Consultants in the Social Sciences 


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Description of Training Program 

Requirements for the Course
Home | Goals and Objectives | Requirements for the Course | Description of Evaluation | Getting Started

Your mentor is available to assist you in completing each of the following. To successfully complete this training, you must:

  • Develop your learning goals
  • Develop a rubric to conduct self and peer assessments
  • Meet with your mentor weekly or more as needed
  • Meet with your training group bi-weekly
  • Identify resources to share with your peers that will be posted on the intranet Web site, including reasons why the resource is helpful
  • Write in a reflective journal weekly (or more)
  • Participate in group interactions for each project you work on with peers, project managers and clients
  • Create high-quality products for your projects
  • Create and present a portfolio with a narrative that demonstrates achievement of your self-selected learning goals