Post Officers for 1997-98
President: Alison C.
Vice President: Maia M.
Secretary: Elisabeth F.
Historian: Rachel T.
Treasurer: Lindsay W.
Phone Tree Captain: Margaret C.
Tour du Port, October 19, 1997: Alison, Amy, Elisabeth, Heather, Maia, and Margot (also: David, Karen and Kathy) joined almost 2,000 other people in the Baltimore "Tour du Port" ride October 19, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists. A couple of us chose the 10 mile route, while others did the full 22 miles around the city. It drizzled a bit, but not enough to cause a problem, so we had a great time -- biking around the museums and Ft. McHenry (where some of us sang the Star Spangled Banner in honor of Francis Scott Key) cruising around the Domino’s sugar factory, a cardboard factory, and a coal loading operation. [Next year's Tour du Port is scheduled for October 11, 1998.]
Saturday, November 8: Our Post participated in the B.S. Scouting for Food service project. Kady did a great job as crew chief, putting in 5 hours of service herself. Other scouts were: Alison, Amy, Heather, Maia, Rachel, and Rebecca. We helped load tons of canned goods and dry goods into the U-Haul vans, but were sad to hear that all of the food collected would probably be gone by Christmas since there are so many hungry and needy people out there. Many thanks to the scoutmaster at Westover Baptist Church for their hot chocolate. It was much appreciated.
November 9: Liz Gracon provided us with an overview of rock climbing in preparation for more rock climbing.
November 29: Our trip to Carderrock, MD on the 16th had to be postponed, due to predictions of extremely cold weather. So we moved to the indoor SportRock facility in Alexandria. Amy, Elisabeth, Heather, Kate, Katie, Lindsay, Maia, and Rebecca were the intrepid climbers, and several of us are interested in doing more rock climbing in the future. Many thanks to Peggy for helping with driving.
December 6: Alison organized another cookie decorating event. She was joined by Emily, Lindsay, Maia, Margot, Rachel P., and Rebecca. We decorated hundreds of cookies to fill 75 bags and Alison delivered them to The Arlington Co. Temporary Shelter (TACTS).
January: In between SAT tests, trips to see colleges, and homework, we managed to have a planning meeting for the spring. A small group went Ice Skating at the Fountain Pavillion at the Reston Town Center on January 25. Alison, Lindsay, Margaret, Margot, Roseann, and Kathy had a great time dodging little kids and going round and round a fairly small rink. Next year, we'd like to do it again, but at the larger outdoor rink on the Mall in Washington (currently being renovated).
February 8: 18 of us enjoyed a one-day downhill skiing and snowboarding expedition at Whitetail -- Scouts included Alison, Amy, Elise, Katie, Lindsay, Maia, Margot, Rebecca and Roseann, along with friends Caroline, Cecily, Lauren, Leigh, Val, and parents: Bonnie, Chris, Karen, and Kathy.
Photos compliments of Whitetail Ski Resort
March 8: Jan held a one-day workshop on the Sr. G.S. Challenge, based on the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People".
March 15: We held our planning meeting for the caving trip Bob, our expert caver, prepared us for the trip and his sense of humor. Scouts each baked 2 dozen brownies, for a total of 28 dozen brownies the Woods delivered to Margaret for our participation in her Gold Award project -- providing dessert for the homeless shelter in Alexandria.
March 28-29: Our caving trip was a huge success. As is often the case with our busy girls, this trip had to be slightly compressed, primarily so several of the Juniors could complete the SAT test on Saturday morning. These scouts managed to find time to join us: Alison, Amy, Elisabeth, Heather, Lindsay, Rebecca, and Roseann. Also Tom and Kathy were the adult drivers and cavers. Our guides were Bob, Dick, and Carl. We are pleased to report that we didn't leave anyone in the cave or the "monster mash". Everyone had a terrific time on a very warm weekend in West Virginia.
[Check out the Potomoc Speleological Society's web site for some pictures and background information on important topics such as caving clothing and safety.]
April 18: Our overnight camping trip was a victim of our members' incredible schedules -- hard to compete with the end of spring vacation for the Maryland girls, solo and ensemble musical competitions, science fair, crew regattas, trips to see colleges, and generally high levels of homework. Kate and Kathy persevered and spent a very enjoyable afternoon at the Arlington Outdoor Lab in Haymarket, VA., transplanting and mulching the native Virginia plants garden.
no major events planned, to allow for exams
Jun 21-27: Amy took the Scuba certification program at Claytor Lake Aquatics Base, part of the B.S. Blue Ridge Mountains Council in Southwest Virginia. Amy also is the FIRST FEMALE camper at Claytor Lake!
July 28- July 4: Elisabeth, Heather, and Roseann joined Amy for a week of high adventure at Claytor Lake. They had a marvelous time snorkeling, sailing, motorboating, swimming, etc. and were the only female unit at the camp. The girls highly recommend this camp.
Photo compliments of Claytor Lake
Related Links:
Weather forecast: Remember, always "dress for the weather".
Colleges: Since so many of the girls are busily investigating colleges and universities, here are web sites for American Colleges and Universities, Canadian Universities, and all international universities.
History | 1991-2 | 92-3 | 93-4 | 94-5 | 95-6 | 96-7 | 97-8 | 98-9