Sunday, December 24, 2006

Winter Break!

So, winter break is finally here. Classes could have gone better, but at least they are over now. Christmas is coming!
Immediately after Christmas I go on two snowboarding trips. First I go to Keystone, Colorado with family for a taste of the western slopes. I'm staying there for a week in a cool slope side condo. I will be there for New Year's day (while my friends are in New York).
As soon as I return from that trip, I go to Canada with Nicole for five days of snowboarding at Mt. Tremblant. I get to teach Nicole (who has never ridden the snow).
After that, there are only two more weeks before Spring classes start. I also said that I would upgrade the Program Board website over the break. I am making it more user friendly (and dynamic) so that it will be easier for future Executives to update and maintain the website.

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