Saturday, August 12, 2006

Google Analytics

I recently discovered annother awesome google service when I was looking for a way to track traffic in the Program Board website. Google Analytics [] (I know, difficult to spell) is a full featured analizing and reporting tool for web traffic. It uses a little slice of javascript embeded in each page that you wish to track and can then generate reports for your websites. It's really good, and I am going to look really good using it! YEA!! I installed it on both the Program Board site and my personal site.

Google is publishing software too! The google pack ( packages the most important programs into one download, so that you can get everything you need from one download. Awesome!

I STRONGLY encourage everyone to get a google account [] because they have so many awesome tools. The things I use the most are the Mail (, Calendar (, webmaster tools (, and now Analytics. They also have a spreadsheet program (, webpage creator (, News Feed Reader (, and alot more! If everyone had a Google account, then everyone could share all of our information with eachother. Anyways, go get an account!

That's enough praise for an entire month.