Friday, October 07, 2005

Week from HELL

*Sigh of relief*
Finally, the week from hell is over. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't procrastinate so much. Anyways... I had a Computer Science project due on Sunday (2nd), then a research paper due on Wednesday (this was 10% of my grade) and finally an essay that was due on Thursday (one third of grade). I got mostly done with it all. But it's finally over. Now I can relax, or go to work.
I got a job offer yesterday that was kinda interesting. They were going to pay me $20 per hour to work for IBM with no benifits. The bad part was that it was in Sterling and the hours would be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6:30pm to 7:30am. That's a night shift during my weekend. For 10 months. I decided that it wasn't worth it, and turned the guy down. Seemed kinda like a cool job though... except for the weekend part.