Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Classes, etc. Also, Linux

So, today (by today, I mean yesterday, the 13th) I pondered, then decided, to drop Calculus II because it was apparent that I would not do well in that class. In it's place, I just signed up for Philosophy and Literature, a General Education requirement for literature. I am now taking 15 credits compared to 16 before today's change. There was a professor that I thought would be good (by good I mean easy) and I saw that he had two open slots. Today when I go to register for his class, it's closed. The slots had evidentially been taken by two other students with the same idea in mind. Oh well, I think it will still be easy. Linux was also played with today. XandrOS [] is the first new one I'm installing. Later will possibly come Ubuntu [] and maybe something else. XandrOS and Ubuntu are advertised as 'Easy-to-use' so I'm going to still need Fedora on there to power it up. Hopefully, I can find a flavor that is suitable to pre-load on PC's to distribute/sell. Along those lines, gamers interested in Linux should check out TransGaming [] as a feasible alternative to Windows for gamers. Lastly, with Micro-crap's future release of Vista (XP's successor), the community [] is predicting that Linux will make huge gains in the market. Wow, long post today, good night.