Monday, September 26, 2005


So yesterday (saturday) I went to play paintball. I had to wake up before the sun, be there between 8 and 9, so that we could start at 10. Yes, it was very early. No, I did not get enough sleep. Anyways, it lasted until 4 or 5 in the afternoon. It was loads of fun! I got all rental equipment, which ended up costing $75 for some reason (the weapon, mask, and pods were free, paint and a jump suit rental cost). Added to $20 registration, and food, comes to about $117 (ouch!). I also ordered a Tippmann 98 Custom Camo Paintball gun package with extras today. Got a good deal on it. Can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Classes, etc. Also, Linux

So, today (by today, I mean yesterday, the 13th) I pondered, then decided, to drop Calculus II because it was apparent that I would not do well in that class. In it's place, I just signed up for Philosophy and Literature, a General Education requirement for literature. I am now taking 15 credits compared to 16 before today's change. There was a professor that I thought would be good (by good I mean easy) and I saw that he had two open slots. Today when I go to register for his class, it's closed. The slots had evidentially been taken by two other students with the same idea in mind. Oh well, I think it will still be easy. Linux was also played with today. XandrOS [] is the first new one I'm installing. Later will possibly come Ubuntu [] and maybe something else. XandrOS and Ubuntu are advertised as 'Easy-to-use' so I'm going to still need Fedora on there to power it up. Hopefully, I can find a flavor that is suitable to pre-load on PC's to distribute/sell. Along those lines, gamers interested in Linux should check out TransGaming [] as a feasible alternative to Windows for gamers. Lastly, with Micro-crap's future release of Vista (XP's successor), the community [] is predicting that Linux will make huge gains in the market. Wow, long post today, good night.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Paintball Anyone?

So the weekend is upon me. I've got nothing to do. Yesterday (Friday), the future Paintball Club had it's first meeting (only about 8 to 10 of us showed up). I'm going to become Treasurer, so that should be fun. I'm pretty much the person that knows how to do stuff with GMU, so I get most of the Administrative stuff to do. As of now, I'm saying that we have 30 members (the 'facebook group' has about 40 members, I'm guessing that about 1/4 aren't going to be in the 'club'). As of right now, I need a Faculty Advisor so I can turn in the 'Recognition Form' to Student Activities. Also, I'm attending two workshops, one on Event Planning and one on Fiscal Management.
So, after all that fun stuff I got groceries (hot dogs, among other things) and went to EP work. Got to do a Alpha Phi Alpha party. That was kind of fun. Also, got Chinese delivery food for dinner.
Also, got this funny picture of my Boss's office door.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I live through Skydiving

So, I just got back from Skydiving!! To put it simply, it was awesome. I wasn't really scared or nervous at all. Which is good, I think. This picture is of me after the jump, walking back to the hanger (more bigger pictures: HERE[]). A little later, I was throwing up everything I tried to eat/drink (including water). Most likely, it was because I didn't get enough sleep the previous night, plus the spinning during the parachute ride. After taking a nap, I recovered. Fun trip, I would suggest it to anyone (that wouldn't die). In conclusion, I saw a shirt with a good quote on it: "I don't want to tip-toe through life, just to arrive safely at death." Sounds like a good way to live life to the fullest.