Saturday, August 12, 2006

Google Analytics

I recently discovered annother awesome google service when I was looking for a way to track traffic in the Program Board website. Google Analytics [] (I know, difficult to spell) is a full featured analizing and reporting tool for web traffic. It uses a little slice of javascript embeded in each page that you wish to track and can then generate reports for your websites. It's really good, and I am going to look really good using it! YEA!! I installed it on both the Program Board site and my personal site.

Google is publishing software too! The google pack ( packages the most important programs into one download, so that you can get everything you need from one download. Awesome!

I STRONGLY encourage everyone to get a google account [] because they have so many awesome tools. The things I use the most are the Mail (, Calendar (, webmaster tools (, and now Analytics. They also have a spreadsheet program (, webpage creator (, News Feed Reader (, and alot more! If everyone had a Google account, then everyone could share all of our information with eachother. Anyways, go get an account!

That's enough praise for an entire month.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

TechEBlog » (Video) Shotgun Turret

So, yea. This is pretty cool! Someone mounted two 12 gage shotguns on a turret to the roof of an SUV! Then then decide to blow away two garden gnomes. Poor gnomes. I wonder if I can put one on my Grand Am.

See the story with video here.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


So, I haven't posted here in four months due to lack of time and motivation. So here is an update.
Nicole has been good. Spring classes ended good. Summer classes were good. Trip to Italy during the World Cup was cool (and delicious food). I bought a new Laptop/Tablet PC (Toshiba M400, customized) for classes. It has the Intel Dual Core processor and an awesome screen and it comes with Wi-fi and bluetooth and a fingerprint scanner. How cool is that? (Yes, it is very cool.)
Italy was lots of fun. I put pictures up on my facebook. I also improved my web space. Tell me what you think!
Only three more weeks until classes start again. I still need to find a place to move into war live for a year or more. This year looks like it will be fun; I just hope that I don't screw up my academics (again). I won't! Hopefully, the spring will include more CpE classes.
Until neat time: peace out!