Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Training Done, now to work

So, Operations/EP training is done. I can now work real events. I'm supposed to be working an event right now, but 'possibility of rain' has forced it inside meaning only one person gets to work it, instead of four (guess who wasn't chosen to work). EP meeting tomorrow at 9:30 AM (more events!!). Also, I've now been to all of my classes (except for Lighting Stagecraft). Doesn't seem to be too hard. Calculus is going to require 'outside work' (homework) to be done. Computer Science III is just doing 4 projects. Communication and Economics seem pretty easy.
I might be going skydiving this weekend, if I abstain myself from the Light Focus this weekend in Harris Theater.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Moved In

So, I'm now moved in. Today was the first day of training. It was relatively easy, although painfully tedious. Tomorrow is the first long day of training. It includes a three hour EP specific training, and another hour after 'wrap-up,' and finally a movie from 7 until Midnight. Atleast I'm getting paid. Now, I'm off to go chill with my Chi-O girl.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Packing/Moving In

So, I found out on Friday (19th) that I can move into my appartment early, since I have training Wednesday through Friday. I got confirmation today that I am, in fact, approved for early check-in between 11 am and 5 pm tomorrow. As of right now, I have all my cloths packed up as well as everything that I didn't unpack from last year (i.e. stuff I didn't need). I still need to pack all of my computer stuff, but that's about it. I should be ready to move in tomorrow. I'm excited.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Friday! (almost)

Made it throgh the couple of weeks of work. Not too bad. I applied for a job at Events Production at GMU. I'm kinda gaurenteed that job. Training is next week and imediately after that, I move into my appartment. I think I should do something fun this weekend. I'm not packed either. Also, need to buy books. Maybe I should go do some of this stuff.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Back to Work

So... Wednesday was my first day back at work. I forgot about it, and failed to show up, but Thursday and Friday I made it in (at 9 in the morning) and worked a full 8 hours. I also found out who was given the assistant Master Electrician position that I applied for. I also posted my resume on Monster.com to find a technology job, hopefully. For now, I have the weekend to rest in preperation for next week: 9 to 5 all week. Ugh.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

What a Trip!!

I'm back from the skydiving trip. I put up some pictures, here [this.homedns.org]. We wern't able to go skydiving, but it was an awesome trip anyways. Much has happened, and much will be remembered. Got to know a few new people all of whom are awesome. We get to go again... and maybe next time we'll get to actually jump.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Home... Awaiting Skydiving

So... Tomorrow is the day of the Jump. Can't wait!! I'm getting a video too, so I can watch myself fall. Hehehe.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Level 40

So... yea.... I accomplished my goal for the week: obtain level 40 in WoW. Yay! Now I can summon my Horse From Hell! Woot! Anyways.... now I'm anticipating going Skydiving.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Monday is ending. Today I purchased a 4-channel sound card (cheapest they had, $12) and a 'headset with microphone' ($20, more than the card) and installed the whole thing. Worked great in CS:S. It's cool, as long as it works. It caused problems with WoW (i.e. it make by computer have 'Hard Locks' which is when it locks up, forcing a hard shutdown), so I disabled it. I got it so that I could use a microphone to talk... to my computer... or people through it. Anyways... I also got level 39 in WoW today. Woot!!