Friday, October 21, 2005


Yea... that about sumes it up. Just: 'Yay!'
The past 10 days have been amazing. I've been spending most of my time with my girlfriend, Nicole. This weekend is the first weekend in a long time that I have NOTHING to do. No work, no trips, nothing. Well... I guess I could work on the school work I've been neglecting. Or not. I went paintballing with some people from the club the 16th using my new marker and such. Gun works great (need to get better paint though) and the game was fun. I've taken apart my marker a few times, and I've decided to stop taking it apart now because I lost a little, unimportant, spring (also, broke and then fixed the high pressure gas system). Yea, that was fun. Now to find stuff to do this weekend.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Foo Fighters & Weezer

I got to see Foo Fighters & Weezer in concert at the Patriot Center. I was only able to get two tickets, but they were pretty good seats. This picture is from the seats we were at. I went with Nicole, who, by the way, is an awesome person (*smiles, and winks*).
Anyway, Rag Doll Kung Fu [] is released tomorrow on steam. I already have it preloaded, so I'll be able to play it immediately. So, yea, back to work.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Week from HELL

*Sigh of relief*
Finally, the week from hell is over. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't procrastinate so much. Anyways... I had a Computer Science project due on Sunday (2nd), then a research paper due on Wednesday (this was 10% of my grade) and finally an essay that was due on Thursday (one third of grade). I got mostly done with it all. But it's finally over. Now I can relax, or go to work.
I got a job offer yesterday that was kinda interesting. They were going to pay me $20 per hour to work for IBM with no benifits. The bad part was that it was in Sterling and the hours would be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6:30pm to 7:30am. That's a night shift during my weekend. For 10 months. I decided that it wasn't worth it, and turned the guy down. Seemed kinda like a cool job though... except for the weekend part.