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Web Authoring and Design


Design is easy. All you do is stare at the screen until drops of blood form on your forehead. -Marty Neumeier


In order to understand web designing, you have to first get a grasp of the bare bones: HTML. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. So not only welcome to a new skill, but welcome to a new coded language! When making websites strictly with HTML, they tend to look a lot like a Craig's List advertisement. But it's okay! You can't move on to the fun stuff until you create the skeleton of your page.

The most important thing to know about HTML tags is that you always need to close them with the ending </> tag. There are a few constant tags that each HTML page must have like <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>. The <html> tag creates an HTML document, the <head> and <title> tags create the title, and the <body> tag creates the part of the website that is actually visible.

For an example of a very simple page made strictly from HTML and quite similar to something you will create within the first few weeks, click here.

Some basic tags that will be immediately useful is the "a href" tag that allows you to add a link.

In order to add a link, you will use the "a href" tag. You type the url within the quotes and add your text instead of "here" as shown in this example <a href="">here</a>.

The <p> tag allows you to create a new paragraph.

Through your reading and modules, you will find many more tags and instructions on how to create your HTML page.