
A Brief BioPic of Meghan Harrigan.

Or perhaps just a summary of mein lifenstein.

I was born on September 3rd, 1987 in Washington Township, New Jersey. I attended an arts high school until I moved down to Virginia when I was 17. I then attended another arts high school in Washington, DC called Duke Ellington School of the Arts. It was there that I made the DC Youth Poetry Slam team two years in a row. I then thought I wanted to be a teacher and that "good" colleges would look down on arts high schools and dropped out and went to my sending district at Loudoun County High School. Then I decided I didn't want to go to college. And wanted to live with my at-the-time-boyfriend back in New Jersey. I obtained two gorgeous kitties and named them Seamus and Jameson (who is really just called Baby.) I promptly ran out of money and had to move back to Virginia. I worked at shitty restaurants until I decided I did, in fact, want to become a teacher and started at NOVA Community College. I was fortunate enough to coach the 2008 DC Youth Slam Team. I graduated with my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts which has gotten me nowhere. I joined NOVA Roller Derby in 2011. My skater name is Buckingslam Malice. Through derby I was able to start nannying for my friend, Mary Lou Wreck'em. In 2013, Seamus died from kidney failure shortly after I returned from Ireland on a winter semester program. Baby kitty and I have been sad ever since. But really, Baby has gotten fat. And I guess so have I. My boyfriend came over in the summer and we traveled to 30-some states. I went back to Ireland in December and received a gummy ring. But I forgot it when I came back. I await my return this May. I also graduate in May. Hopefully I'm accepted to the teacher certification program for the fall. It would be really cool to move to Portland with my boyfriend, but now I'm afraid people will think it's because of the show Portlandia. But really, it's because it's on the West Coast and cheaper than San Francisco. I think Christina Grieco is trying to compete with me for an interesting bio but she can suck it.

I also really like Tard and Lil Bub.

George Mason University