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Web Authoring and Design


Design is easy. All you do is stare at the screen until drops of blood form on your forehead. -Marty Neumeier

Welcome to Web Authoring and Design

In this class, you can expect to learn the basics of creating an HTML website enhanced with CSS. What you then choose to do with these skills is completely up to you! The weekly assignments are designed to make you familiar with different aspects of HTML and CSS one step at a time until all of your new skills add up. You can expect basic modules that challenge you to exercise the skills you will have read about in your textbooks. You will maintain your own assigned website, which is hosted by GMU, that you will build from the ground up! It's not as intimidating as it sounds especially if you invest in the assigned textbooks.


The first text, HTML & CSS: Design and build websites by Jon Duckett, is a wonderful and thorough resource for each of your new skills. The book provides plenty of examples of different elements of design and structure through both screenshots and code.

The second book is Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond by Jessie James Garrett. This text speaks to the reader on the most basic level of understanding web design. It explains usability from the perspective of both designer and audience.