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Web Authoring and Design


Design is easy. All you do is stare at the screen until drops of blood form on your forehead. -Marty Neumeier


Once you have your scarce looking website with HTML, you can start to pretty it up by using CSS, or a Cascading Style Sheet. It is through CSS that you can really start to play around with aesthetics. Here you can change the background colors, or even add an image; you can change the type of font, the color of the font, etc. The CSS file serves as almost a color by numbers by assigning different tags a color (for example). After attaching the CSS file to your HTML file, you will see all of your values change once you view the page in the browser. To attach a style sheet, you must enter the following: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="filename.css" />.

Creating CSS files can be awfully tricky and frustrating. It helps to use online sandboxes to see your changes in real time. Browse through the links under resources for different online sandboxes.