Mimi Corcoran
   George Mason University
   Educational Leadership Ph.D. Portfolio
   Primary Concentration:  Mathematics
   Secondary Concentration: Instructional Technology
Research and Dissertation Planning

 Dissertation Planning
General Research Interest:  AP Calculus Teacher Professional Development

Proposed Title:  The Impact of Participation in AP Calculus Exam Readings on Teacher Classroom Practice and Student Achievement
  • Tentative Dissertation Research Questions:

    • Why do AP Calculus teachers want to participate in the annual AP Calculus exam reading?
    • How do AP Calculus teachers want to participate view the professional development which they experience at the annual AP Calculus exam reading?
    • How and why do AP Calculus teachers change their practice after participating in an AP Calculus exam reading?
    • What are the most important (another word is probably better, beneficial maybe?) changes which teachers implement?
    • What changes in student performance are realized as a result of AP Calculus teachers changing their practice after participating in an AP Calculus exam reading?
    • Are there any implications which can be derived for mathematics teacher professional development in general?
    • and, more as I get more ideas from my readings and ideas occur to me .....
 Class Papers and Projects Archive    
 Current Research
  • I am leading a cross-curricular research project at the high school where I teach.  The science (biology, environmental science, physics, and chemistry) teachers and I are designing a gourd garden for planting on campus.  Throughout the year, the teachers will use the garden for a variety of earning experiences for our students.  We will surround one half of the gourd garden with magnolias, known for their attractiveness to insects, and the other half with a non-flowering flora.  My statistics students will complete a number of measurements (length and weight of gourds, number of gourds, viability, density, etc.) to determine if the flora made a difference.  We will also study what other factors (morning or afternoon sun, amount of watering, etc.) could be used in statistical experiments.  Our project has been accepted for presentation at the VAIS (Virgina Association of Independent Schools) annual conference in Richmond, VA, in November 2013.  

  • My team (EDIT 732 and 752) has designed an Augmented reality application for mobile devices which can be used by high school students during field trips to the National Zoo.  We are currently investigating development possibilities, preparing papers for publication, and submitting our work for presentation at several conferences.  We will be presenting our work at the Society for Applied  Learning Technology (SALT) Conference in March 2013 and at the AERA Annual Meeting in April 2013.
  • Based on the success of my pilot project in which AP Calculus students taught several lessons to Calculus students, I am formulating plans for my AP Statistics class to teach several lessons to a lower level Statistics class.
  • I am reviewing dissertations which focus on teacher and student content knowledge of calculus and statistics topics, in order to ascertain what measurements were used and how they were assessed.

blue fractals

 Research Positions
  • Instructor and Research Archivist. (Summer 2013).   College of Education and Human Development and College of Mathematical Sciences,  George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.  
    Professors:  Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer and Dr. Jennifer Suh
  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU).  (June 2012 - August 2012)   College of Education and Human Development and College of Mathematical Sciences,  George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.  This research program, funded by the NSF, included two in-service high school teacher participants.  My research focused on regression modeling and its relationship to Calculus.
    Professor:  Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer

  • Lead Instructor, Expeditions in Science Technology Engineering Education through Mathematics (ESTEEM).  (July 2012 - September 2012) College of Education and Human Development and College of Mathematical Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Developed and taught sessions on statistics and on motion graphing technology at summer institute.  Contributed to lesson development for other instructors.  Graded pretests and post tests.  Ran statistical significance tests and wrote a short summary of student progress including anecdotal information.  
    Professors:  Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer and Dr. Jennifer Suh

  • Using Calculator Based Ranger (CBR) Technology to Enhance Calculus Students' Understanding of Motion, Velocity and Acceleration.  (January 2012-May 2012).  College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, and Highland School, Warrenton, Virginia.
    Professor: Dr. Jennifer Suh

  • Graduate Research Assistant. (September 2011-May 2012)  College of Education and Human Development and College of Mathematical Sciences,  George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.  Videotaped and transcribed graduate classes in Statistics.  Developed statistics modules for summer courses for in-service teachers. 
    Professor: Dr. Toni M. Smith

  • Graduate Research Assistant. (July 2011)  College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Served as research archivist for Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology (COMPLETE) Summer Institute.  Contributed to instruction sessions. Wrote field notes on observations. Reviewed and summarized participants' daily reflections.  
    Professors:  Dr. Jennifer Suh and Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
  • Graduate Research Assistant. (July 2011)  College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Served as research archivist for ESTEEM Summer Institute. Contributed to instruction sessions. Wrote field notes on observations. Reviewed and summarized participants' daily reflections.  
    Professors:  Dr. Toni M. Smith, Dr. Jennifer Suh and Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer

  • Research Project.  (January 2010-May 2011)  College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, and Highland School, Warrenton, Virginia.  Developed and conducted a research study on the efficacy of AP Calculus students teaching Calculus classes. 
    Professor: Dr. Jennifer Suh 

  • Graduate Research Assistant. (September 2010-May 2011)  College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.  Transcribed classroom discussion data. Contributed to research article on teacher and student understanding of randomness.
    Professor: Dr. Toni M. Smith

  • Graduate Research Assistant. (August 2010)  College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Videotaped and photographed sessions of the COMPLETE Math Summer Institute.  Instructor for two sessions. Wrote field notes on observations.  Photographed all course artifacts. Reviewed and summarized participants' daily reflections.  
    Professors:  Dr. Jennifer Suh and Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer

  • Graduate Research Assistant. (June 2010 - July 2010)  College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.  Transcribed  qualitative and quantitative data; processed consent forms.
    Professors:  Dr. Margret Hjalmarson and Dr. Toni M. Smith

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