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How Apple is so Successful

Apple Logo

People made the iPod its own trend, which only helped Apple and gave them less work. Ten years ago, Apple did not have a value anywhere near where they stand now. There are tons of theories on how Apple has grown to become the world’s largest technology company and the second largest valued company. How were they able to make this transformation? People base it off of a lot of variables and no one will ever truly understand how Steve Jobs, co-founder and CEO of Apple, was able to change the world-wide perception of Apple.

Marketing is answer. Most companies try to make a whole bunch of brands and products, while Apple focuses on just a few. This gives Apple the advantage of making one product the best rather than making numerous products mediocre. One of Apple’s goals is to put simplicity in their products. These one of a kind products allow Apple to invent high quality merchandise. Apple’s products are making headlines too. Apple is responsible for 12 percent of all technology news stories. When you are able to make headlines, your recognition usually goes up. Since Apple is being talked about more and more, their popularity is only rising.

Work reflects off its maker. Apple’s Steve Jobs is running the show and he’s a major reason why his company is having its current success. According to TechNewsWorld’s Rob Enderle (2010), Steve Jobs provides Apple with “education, intelligence, and power.”

The Boss of Apple

  1. His education, unlike any other CEO, allows him to see from a market perception.
  2. Job’s power allows him to create products that are designed to sell (Enderle, 2010).
  3. Apple analyzes the market and looks at its competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
Mac vs. PC

Apple is showing their intelligence by aiming towards a certain buyer: Everyone. Apple products are for anyone at any age, especially the product that made the company famous, the iPod. Their commercials with the black outlined people dancing shows that anyone of any age or ethnicity can be part of the trend. Their biggest buyers are teens and young adults. According the Anastasia Goodstein (2007) of Bloomberg Businessweek, this is one of the big reasons why Apple is so successful. “Teens and young adults are all about trends and they made Apple one of them” said Goodstein (2007). Teens and young adults, including myself, love music and Apple made music easier to access. The feature of buying one song for 99 cents made the iPod more of a hit (Goodstein, 2007). Close to 82 percent of high school students that do own a MP3 player have an iPod (Goodstein, 2007). What is the best part for Apple?