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Products of Apple

Apple Logo

In October 2001, Apple released a product that would change history: the iPod. This was a product that allowed individuals to listen to any type of music in any type of order in any way that they please. Apple has been able to keep the iPod up-to-date over the years and until recently; their revenues were sky high (Brooks, 2009). The iPod has since been transformed into the classic, nano, touch, and shuffle. Nine years later, it has changed the way people listen to music throughout the world. Sales have gone up year by year and in September 2009; Phil Schaffer announced Apple has sold over 220 million iPods (Brooks, 2009).

Ipod Touch
In order to get those songs onto your iPod, you need iTunes. ITunes, which goes hand in hand with the iPod, is another key product of Apple’s. The program sells anything from songs to applications to movies. ITunes is by far the biggest music seller in the world (Brooks, 2009). With 100 million active accounts, ITunes has sold an amazing 8.5 billion songs worldwide (Brooks, 2009). Other eye opening products that has made Apple famous is the iPhone and iPad. Together they have taken the world by storm.
The iPhone brings in as such as $5.4 billion or 40% of Apple’s revenue (Frommer, 2010). Meanwhile, talks about the iPad are changing how we look at technology. With sales rising, experts say the iPad might go as far as replacing books.