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Coursework Examples

EDUC 802 Leadership Seminar: Final Reflection

EDUC 800 Ways of Knowing: Reknowing Paper

EDUC 800 Ways of Knowing: Knowing Project

EDUC 805 Doctoral Seminar: Fall Reflection Paper

EDUC 895 Self-Study for Teacher Educators:  Final Project

EDUC 797 Writing Research: Final Paper

EDRD 830 Foundations of Literacy Birth through Later Childhood:  Final Paper

EDRS 810 Problems and Methods in Education Research:  Final Exam

EDUC 874 The Achievement Gap:  Final Paper

EDRS 811 Quantitative Methods in Educational Research: Final Project

EDRD 829 Advanced Foundations of Literacy Education:  Final Paper

EDUC 897 Independent Study-Young Adult Multicultural Literature:  Grant Proposal

EDUC 994 Advanced Internship in Education : Self-Study Final Paper

EDUC 895 Current Research and Trends in the Early Education of Diverse Learners: Final Paper

EDUC 831 Foundations of Literacy Education-Adolescent to Adult:  Final Paper

EDRS 812 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research:  Final Project

EDRD 832 Seminar in Emerging Trends and Issues in Literacy: Final Paper

EDUC 897 Independent Study-Theoretical Readings:  Final Paper

EDUC 822 Advanced Qualitative Methods:  Module 3 Paper

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