Plenary speakers [Español]

- Carol A. Klee, University of Minnesota. Spanish language contact in Latin America: The impact of internal migration and globalization on contact varieties of Spanish. [Abstract]
- Luis C. Moll, Universidad de Arizona. La subjetividad y el bialfabetismo: Una mirada longitudinal. [Abstract]
- Rachel F. Moran, University of California-Berkeley. The untold story of Lau v. Nichols. [Abstract]
- Alejandro Portes, Princeton University. Lost in translation: Language acquisition and loss in the United States. (Co-sponsored by the Mason Project on Immigration)

In addition to plenary addresses and individual papers, the 2007 conference will host two special roundtables designed to encourage interaction between academic researchers and professionals working outside of academia: 

- El español en los medios de comunicación y la mercadotecnia en los Estados Unidos, organized by María Carreira (California State University-Long Beach)
Participants: Raúl Avila, Colegio de México; Miguel Gómez Winebrenner, Cheskin; Armando Guzman, TVAzteca America; Alberto Avendaño, El Tiempo Latino; José López Zamorano, Notimex

- Educational policies and practices affecting Spanish in the US, organized by Ana Roca (Florida International University)
Participants: Donna Christian, Center for Applied Linguistics; Gisela Conde, Embassy of Spain; Ofelia García, Teachers College, Columbia University; Kendall King, Georgetown University


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Photograph courtesy of Hector Emanuel