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Metiere's Process for Obtaining Work
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Generally, Metiere's process for obtaining work is to respond to requests for proposals (RFPs) as solicited by Federal, State and local governments. The RFPs define types of work to be performed – sometimes as specific as a training program, or requests for evaluations of existing programs. Other times RFPs are ill-defined – perhaps they contain a multitude of inter-related tasks to be performed by other contractors already in place.

Usually, RFPs require a description on our understanding of the problem, our approach for solving the problem, resumes for staff who will be working on the project (including their qualifications), corporate qualifications for completing the work, a budget and a timeline.

Once the work is awarded, the project manager must organize the team, create a budget, outline the tasks, delegate work assignments…. The tasks to be completed vary by project, but the project manager must do their best to work within budget and according to the timeline, and ensure that the best quality work is submitted to the client.