Tanzania: The Developing Country

Tanzania: The Developing Country

History of Tanzania

Tanganyika (former name of Tanzania) was discovered by Vasco da Gama in 1498. Tanzania was dominated by the Portuguese at the beginning of 16th century until Germany decided to colonize Africa. In 1884, Britain and Germany signed a contract that allowed Germany to set up its sphere of influence. The Maji Maji Rebellion occurred and it rose against Germany in 1905. Many villages were on fire, many crops were destroyed, and many people died during this rebellion. Germany suppressed the Maji Maji Rebellion at the end. The country of Great Britain started to colonize Tanzania after Germany’s defeat in World War I. After the colonization, the Tanzania African Association was founded in 1929. Tanzania African Association changed its’ name into Tanzania African National Union by Julius Nyerere and Oscar Kambona in 1954. Tanzania declared independence from the British colony in 1961 with Julius Nyerere elected as the first Prime Minister. A year after Nyerere became Prime Minister, Tanzania became a republic with after Nyerere was made President. With the foundation for the newly independent Republic of Tanzania, government and politics started to take place.

Tanzania. Digital image. Ajabu Adventures. Ajabu Adventures, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.