Module 1

Module 1 Instructions


For your first module I would like you to make a rudimentary portfolio cataloguing your experiences as students and as workers. This portfolio needs to consist of multiple pages and to take advantage of headings, paragraphs, line breaks, text emphasis, whitespace, images, articles, sections, nav tags, links (i.e. anchor elements), and lists.

Part One

Your portfolio ought to begin with a home page that contains a nav bar, your name, a brief synopsis of yourself, an image of yourself, and a footer with a copyright (that uses your knowledge of displaying special symbols).

Please keep in mind that you have extremely limited server space. If possible, post any and all of your images somewhere else online where they are publicly available and then include them via their URL (i.e. your img src should be "" instead of just "picture.jpg")

You want to save this homepage as "index.html" and place it in a folder titled "module1". You need to make sure you get those titles exactly correct - lower case and all - or I will not be able to access your files.

Part Two

In addition to this page, you need to create at least three others, all of which need to contain the same nav bar and footer. These three other pages might take the form of an outline of your college education (i.e. information about what courses you have taken), an overview of your skills and experiences, an overview of your work experience, a personal narrative including information about the career you are looking for (this might contain information similar to your cover letter), a portfolio page of your work (which could range from things you have written to photography to photos of finished products to links to other stuff you’ve made on the web).

Please keep in mind that this will (intentionally) look very sparse and basic. The goal is to get all of the content developed and tagged appropriately. We will be working with CSS to spruce up your content in our second module.

Part Three

Once you have completed each of these pages, you want to make sure that you have a link to each of them in the nav bar that appears on each page. This means that you need to use the anchor tag in your nav bar to make internal links to each html file you've created. Be sure you do this for the nav bar on each and every page so that none of them are missing links.

Once you have 4 or more separate html files in your "module1" folder, all with working links between one another, use your FTP client to place that folder on George Mason's server. Once you've done that, you ought to be able to navigate to your page by typing in the URL