Project: Sources and Further Reading
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anthony Walton, Brothers in Arms: The Epic Story of the 761st Tank Battalion, WWII's Forgotten Heroes (New York: Broadway Books, 2004)
- Robert L. Allen, The Port Chicago Mutiny (New York: Warner Books, 1989)
- Gerald Astor, The Right to Fight: A History of African Americans in the Military (Novato: Presidio Press, 1998)
- Martin Binkin and Mark J. Eitelberg, Blacks and the Military (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1982)
- Gail Buckley, American Patriots: The Story of Blacks in the Military from the Revolution to Desert Storm (New York: Random House, 2001)
- Richard M. Dalfiume, Desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces: Fighting on Two Fronts, 1939-1953, second printing (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1975)
- Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American: An Autobiography (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991)
- John Dittmer, Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi, paperback ed. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995)
- Charles W. Dryden, A-Train: Memoirs of a Tuskegee Airman (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1997)
- Robert B. Edgerton, Hidden Heroism: Black Soldiers in America's Wars (Boulder: Westview Press, 2001)
- Charles E. Francis, The Tuskegee Airman: The Men Who Changed a Nation (Boston: Branden Publishing Company, 1988)
- Alan L. Gropman, The Air Force Integrates, 1945-1964 (Washington: Office of Air Force History, 1978)
- John B. Holway, Red Tails, Black Wings: The Men of America's Black Air Force (Las Cruces: Yucca Tree Press, 1997)
- Daniel Kryder, Divided Arsenal: Race and the American State During World War II (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
- Michael Lee Lanning, The African-American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell, rev. ed. (New York: Citadel Press, 2004)
- Lynn Fabian Lasner, "Fighting Jim Crow," Humanities 23 (September/October 2002), available at
- Ulysses Lee, The U.S. Army in World War II: The Employment of Negro Troops (Washington: Center of Military History, United States Army, 1963, reprint 1994) available at
- Morris J. MacGregor, Jr., Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965 (Washington: Center of Military History, United States Army, 1981) available at
- Morris J. MacGregor and Bernard C. Nalty, eds., Blacks in the United States Armed Forces: Basic Documents vols. V, VI, VII (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, Inc, 1977)
- Phillip McGuire, Taps for a Jim Crow Army: Letters from Black Soldiers in World War II (Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, Inc., 1983)
- Christopher Paul Moore, Fighting for America: Black Soldiers: The Unsung Heroes of World War II (New York: Ballantine Books, 2005)
- Maggi M. Morehouse, Fighting in the Jim Crow Army: Black Men and Women Remember World War II (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2000)
- John D. Murphy, The Freeman Field Mutiny: A Study in Leadership (Maxwell: Air Command and Staff College, 1997) available at
- Bernard C. Nalty, Strength for the Fight: A History of Black Americans in the Military (New York: The Free Press, 1986)
- Dennis D. Nelson, The Integration of the Negro Into the U.S. Navy, reprint ed. (New York: Octagon Books, 1982)
- Alan M. Osur, Separate and Unequal: Race Relations in the AAF During World War II (Air Force History and Museums Program, 2000) available at
- Alan M. Osur, Blacks in the Army Air Forces During World War II: The Problem of Race Relations (Washington: Office of Air Force History, 1986) available at
- Brenda Gayle Plummer, Rising Wind: Black Americans and U.S. Foreign Affairs, 1935-1960 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996)
- Lou Potter, William Miles, and Nina Rosenblum, Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II (Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992)
- Jackie Robinson, I Never Had It Made (New York: Putman, 1972; reprint, New York: HarperCollins Books, 1995)
- Sugar Ray Robinson with Dave Anderson, Sugar Ray (New York: Viking Penguin, 1970; reprint, New York: Da Capo Press, 1994)
- Stanley Sandler, Segregated Skies: All-Black Combat Squadrons of WW II (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992)
- Stanley Sandler, "Homefront Battlefront: Military Racial Disturbances in the Zone of the Interior, 1941-1945," War & Society 11 (October 1993)
- Lawrence P. Scott and William M. Womack, Sr., Double V: The Civil Rights Struggle of the Tuskegee Airmen (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1994)
- Richard J. Stillman, II, Integration of the Negro in the U.S. Armed Forces, second printing (New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1969)
- James C. Warren, The Freeman Field Mutiny, reprint ed. (Vacaville: The Conyers Publishing Company, 1997)

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