Graphic of GMU Logo Intro to Classical Music Image of Symphony on Stage
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  4. Spring 2014

Course Information

My Experience With This Course

I have been interested in classical music for many years. I took piano lessons from 3rd through 12th grade and played works by some of the great composers. However, I never had the opportunity to learn the details of their musical styles. It was something that I had always hoped to learn more about, so I was very happy to take this class.

Since this was an online class, initially I had some concerns about the delivery of the course in this format. I had thought it might be a richer experience to sit in a classroom full of other students, listening to and discussing the classical composers and their works. However, the online format actually worked quite well. Listening to the music with on-screen listening guides, watching documentary and performance videos and participating in on-line discussions with other students was a great combination of resources to fully explore the many aspects of the course material.

Some of the favorite things I learned in this class were:

I also enjoyed learning the specifics about famous works such as Beethoven’s “5th” and Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”.

Since taking this class, I have developed a much deeper appreciation for both classical music and the great composers (my favorite composers are now Beethoven and Haydn). Now when I listen to this great music I have a better understanding of how it came to be, and this leads to a greater level of enjoyment.

Selected Coursework

Course requirements included attending two live classical musical performances and writing reports about them. The concerts were a highlight of the semester. Links to my reports are included below:

Images of Sheet Music and Flute


“Without music, life would be a mistake.”

-- Friedrich Nietzsche


Sharon O'Boyle ENGH 375 Project

Last updated: May 3, 2014      Date completed: May 3, 2014
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